Gabbay, Tom The Berlin Conspiracy (2006) 1963 Berlin
Lisbon Crossing (2007) 1940 Spain
The Theran Conviction (2009) 1979 Tehran
Gabladon, Diana Brotherhood of the Blade (2007) 1757 London
Lord John and the Hands of Devils (2007) 1757 London
Lord John and the Private Matter (2003) 1757 London
Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner (2011) 1760 London
Trail Of Fire (2012) - Short Story Collection various London
Gaddes, Andrew Those Who Go By Night (2018) 1324 England
Gaind, Arjin Death at the Dunbar (2017) 1911 India
A Very Pukka Murder (2016) 1909 India
Gaines, Ernest A Lesson Before Dying 1940's Lousiana
Gaiter, Leonce Bourbon Street (2005) 1958 New Orleans
Gale, Elizabeth Julia Valeria (1950) 19 b.c. Rome
Gale, Iain Black Jackal (2011) WWII Bavaria
Man of Honor (2007) 1704 Bavaria
Galen, Shana True Spies (2013) Reg England
Gallagher, Stephen Bedlam Detective (2012) 1912 England
Kingdom of Bones (2008) 1800's England
Galland, Nicole Fool's Tale (2005) 1100's France
Revenge of the Rose (2006) 1100's France
Galloway, Steven Confabulist (2014) 1926 USA
Gangemi, Joseph Inamorata (2004) 1922 Philadelphia
Gardner, Ashley Alexandria Affair (2016) 1800's London
Blood of a Gladiator (Leonidas the Gladiator Mysteries Book 1) 63 ad Rome
Body in Berkley Square (2005) 1800's London
Covent Garden Mystery (2006) 1816 London
The Custom House Murders (Captain Lacey Book 15) Regency England
A Darkness in Seven Dials (Captain Lacey Book 17) 1820 London
Death at Brighton Pavilion (Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries Book 14)
Death in Norfolk (2011) 1800's London
Disappearance in Drury Lane (2014) 1818 London
Gentleman's Walking Stick (2011) 1800's London
A Gladiator's Tale (Leonidas the Gladiator Mysteries Book 2) 63 ad Rome
Glass House (2004) 1817 London
Hanover Square Affair (2003) 1816 London
Murder at Carlton House (2017) 1800's London
Murder in Grosvenor Square (2014) 1800's London
Murder in St. Giles: A Regency Mystery (Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries Book 13) 1819 London
Murder in the Eternal City (Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries Book 16) 1820 Italy
Murder Most Historical (Short Stories) 1800's London
Necklace Affair (2011) 1800's London
A Regimental Murder (2004) 1800's London
The Ring that Caesar Wore (Leonidas the Gladiator Mysteries Book 3) 63 ad Rome
Soupcon of Poison (2016) 1800's London
Sudbury School of Murders (2005) 1800's London
Thames River Murders (2015) 1800's London
Gardner, Danny A Negro and an Ofay (Elliot Caprice Book 1) 1952 Chicago
Gardner, John Angels Dining at the Ritz (2004) 1942 London
Bottle Spider (2002) WWII England
No Human Enemy (2007) WWII England
Streets of Town (2003) 1941 London
Troubled Midnight (2005) 1943 London
Garlock, Dorothy With Song (1999) 1934 Kansas
Garrett, George Entered From the Sun (1990) 1597 ?
Succession (1991) ? ?
Garrity, Michael Last Ranch (2016) 1950's New Mexico
Gaspar, Stephen To Know Evil (2009) Med Italy
Gattis, Mark Black Butterfly (2009) 1950's New York
The Devil in Amber (2006) 1920's New York
Vesuvius Club (2005) 1910's London
Gautreaux, Tim The Missing (2009) 1920's New Orleans
Gayden, Kip Miscarriage of Justice (2008) 1906 Tennessee
Gayle, Brenda A Diagnosis of Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 3) 1948 Canada
Murder in Abstract (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 5) 1949 Canada
Odds on Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 4) 1948 Canada
Rigged for Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 2) 1948 Canada
Schooled in Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 6) 1949 Canada
A Shot of Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 1) 1948 Canada
Geagley, Brad Day of the False King (2006) 1150 b.c Egypt
Year of the Hyenas (2005) 1153 b.c. Egypt
Gebler, Carlo How to Murder a Man (1998) 1854 Ireland
Geisler, Barbara Graven Images (2005) 1100's England
Other Gods - The Averilan Chronicles (2002) 1100's England
Gee, Maurice Scornful Moon (2004) 1935 Wellington
Gellis, Roberta Bone of Contention (2001) 1139 Oxford
Chains of Folly (2006) 1139 England
A Personal Devil (2001) 1139 England
Lucretia Borgia and the Mother of Poisons (2003) ? England
Mortal Bane (1999) 1139 England
Genelin, Michael Siren of the Waters (2008) 1950's Czech
Gentill, Sulari A Dangerous Language (Rowland Sinclair Book 8) 1932 Australia
A Decline in Prophets (2015) 1932 Australia
A Few Right Thinking Men (2015) 1931 Australia
Gentlemen Formerly Dressed (Rowland Sinclair Series Book 5)  1933 Australia
Give the Devil His Due (Rowland Sinclair Book 7)  1930's Australia
Miles off Course 1933 Australia
A Murder Unmentioned (Rowland Sinclair Book 6)  1933 Australia
Paving the New Road (Rowland Sinclair Mysteries Book 4)  1933 Australia
Shanghai Secrets (Rowland Sinclair WWII Mysteries, 9) 1935 Shanghai
A Testament of Character 1930's Australia
Where There's a Will (Rowland Sinclair Book 10 ) 1930's Australia
Gerritsen, Tess Bone Garden (2007) 1830's Boston
Gerson, Jack Death Squad London (1990) 1936 London
Death Watch '39 (1991) 1939 ?
Death's Head Berlin (1987) 1934 Berlin
Giardnina, Denise Saints and Villains (1998) WWII Germany
Gibbs, Tony Shadow Queen (1992) Ren UK
Gibson, Gregory Old Turk's Load (2014) 1967 New Jersey
Gilbert, Anne Morning in Eden (2001) 1919 England
Gilbert, Michael Into Battle (1977) early 20th UK
Over and Out (1998) 1918 France
Ring of Terror (1995) 1912 London
Gill, Anton City of Dreams (1993) 1361 bc Egypt
City of the Dead (1993) ? ?
City of the Horizon (1991) ? ?
Gill, Elizabeth The Fosglove Tree (2006) 1917 Durham
Gilman, Dorothy Caravan (1995) WWI ?
Gilmartin, Kate Blackmail My Love (2014) 1951 San Francisco
Giuliani, C. P. A Deadly Complot (Tom Walsingham Book 4) 1586 England
Death in Rheims (Tom Walsingham Mysteries Book 3) 1585 France
A Matter of Blood (Tom Walsingham Mysteries Book 6) 1558 London
The Road to Murder (Tom Walsingham Mysteries Book 1) 1581 England
A Snare of Deceit (Tom Walsingham Book 5) 1587 London
A Treasonous Path Tom Walsingham Mysteries Book 2) 1583 England
Glatzer, Hal Fugue in Hell's Kitchen (2004)+D2822 1939 Manhattan
The Last Full Measure (2006) 1941 At Sea
Too Dead to Swing (2000) 1940's California
Gleason, C. M. Murder at the Capitol (Lincoln's White House Book 3) 1861 Washington D.C.
Murder in the Lincoln White House (Lincoln's White House Book 1)
Murder in the Oval Library (Lincoln's White House Book 2) 1861 Washington, D.C.
Gleeson, Janet The Grenadillo Box (2002) 1755 Cambridge
Serpent in the Garden (2003) 1765 Cambridge
Thief Taker (2004) 1750's Cambridge
Goble, Steve The Bloody Black Flag (Spider John Mystery Book 1) 1723 At Sea
A Bottle of Rum (Spider John Mystery Book 3) 1723 At Sea
The Devil's Wind (Spider John Mystery Book 2) 1723 At Sea
Pieces of Eight (Spider John Mystery Book 4) 1723 At Sea
Goddard, Robert Beyond Recall (1997) 1940's England
Caught in the Light (1998) 1820's England
Closed Circle (1993) 1930's England
Debt of Dishonor (1991) US Title: Take No Farewell early 20th England
Ends of the Earth (2015) 1919 Japan
Hand in Glove (1992) 1930's Spain/England
In Pale Battalions (1988) WWI England
Long Time Coming (2010) 1976 England
Painting the Darkness (1989) 1882 England
Past Caring (1986) 1900's England
Sea Change (2001) 1721 Amsterdam
Take No Farewell (1991) UK Title: Debt of Dishonor 1920's England
Way of the World (2013) 1919 Paris
Goddard, Tariq Dynamo (2004) 1938 Moscow
Homage To A Firing Squad (2002) 1930's Spain
Gold, Glen Carter Beats the Devil (2001) 1923 USA
Goldberg, Leonard The Abduction of Pretty Penny (Joanna Blalock Book 5) 1927 London
The Art of Deception (Joanna Blalock Book 4) 1900's England
The Blue Diamond (Joanna Blalock Book 6) 1910's England
Daughter of Sherlock Holmes (2017) 1914 England
The Disappearance of Alistair Ainsworth (Joanna Blalock #3) 1900's England
A Study in Treason (2018) 1900's England
The Wayward Prince (The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, 7) 1917 London
Goldberg, Paul The Yid (2016) 1953 Moscow
Golden , S. K. The Socialite's Guide to Death and Dating (A Pinnacle Hotel Mystery Book 2) 1958 New York
The Socialite's Guide to Murder (A Pinnacle Hotel Mystery Book 1) 1958 New York
Goldhammer, Frank The Air Raid Killer (Max Heller Book 1) 1940's Dresden
A Thousand Devils (Max Heller Book 2)  1940's Dresden
Goldin, A.E. Murder in Constantinople Victorian Constantinople
Golding, Julia The Abbey Mystery (Jane Austen Investigates Book 1) 1789 England
The Burglar's Ball (Jane Austen Investigates Book 2) 1789 England
The Convict's Canal (Jane Austen Investigates: Book 3) 1789 England
The Persephone Code 1812 England
Goldsborough, Robert Death in Pilsen (2007) 1938 Chicago
President in Peril (2009) 1948 Chicago
Shadow of the Bomb (2006) 1941 Chicago
Three Strikes Your Dead (2005) 1938 Chicago
Year Dix Came To Town (2003) 1938 Chicago
Goldstein, Paul Errors and Omissions (2007) 1950's Los Angeles
Goldstone, Lawrence Anatomy of Deception (2008) 1889 Philadelphia
Astronomer (2010) 1534 Paris
Deadly Cure (2017) 1849 New York
Gonzales, Christina Thunderous Whisper (2013) 1937 Spain
Gooden, Philip Alms for Oblivion (2003) 1602 London
Death of Kings (2001) 1601 London
Durham Deception (2011 1847 London
Honorable Murder (2005) 1604 London
Mask of Night (2004) 1602 London
Pale Companion (2002) 1601 Salisbury
Salisbury Manuscript (2008) 1873 Salisbury
Sleep of Death (2000) 1599 London
Goodman, Alison The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies (Ill Mannered Ladies Book 1) Regency London
Dark Days Club (2016) 1812 England
Goodwin, Jason Baklava Club (2014) 1840 Turkey
Bellini Card (2008) 1840 Venice
Evil Eye (2010) 1839 Turkey
The Janissary Tree (2006) 1836 Turkey
The Snake Stone (2007) 1839 Turkey
Goodwin, S.M. Absence of Mercy (Lightner and Law Book 1) 1850's New York
Crooked in His Ways (Lightner and Law Mystery Book 2) 1856 New York
Goolrick, Robert A Reliable Wife (2009) 1909 Wisconsin
Gordon, Alan An Antic Disposition (2004) 1157 Denmark
Death in the Venetian Quarter (2001) 1204 Constantinople
Jester Leaps In (2000) 1200 Italy
Lark's Lament (2007) 1204 Italy
Moneylender of Toulouse (2008) 1204 Italy
Parisian Prodigal (2010) 1205 Toulouse
Thirteenth Night (1999) 1200 Italy
Widow of Jerusalem (2002) 1191 Tyre
Gordon-Smith, Dolores After the Exhibition (Jack Haldean Mystery Book 8) 1922 England
As if by Magic (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 3) 1922 England
Blood From a Stone (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 7) 1920's England
The Chapel in the Woods (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 11) 1920's England
Chessman, The (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 9) 1920's England
Fete Worse Than Death, A (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 1) 1922 England
Forgotten Murder (A Jack Haldean Murder Mystery Book 10) 1920's England
A Hundred Thousand Dragons, (Jack Haldean Mysteries Book 4) 1923 Sussex
Mad About the Boy? (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 2) 1923 Sussex
Off the Record (Jack Haldean Mysteries Book 5) 1923 Sussex
Trouble Brewing (A Jack Haldean Mystery Book 6) 1925 London
Gores, Joe Cases (1998) 1953 Los Angeles
Hammett (1975) 1928 San Francisco
Spade & Archer (2009) 1921 San Francisco
Gorman, Ed. Bad Moon Rising (2011) 1960's Iowa
Blue and Gray Undercover (2001) 1860's USA
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (2004) 1962 Iowa
Cat Crimes Through Time (1999) Various Various
Day The Music Died (1998) 1959 Iowa
Everybody's Somebody's Fool (2003) 1961 Iowa
Fool's Rush In (2006) 1959 Iowa
Rent less (2003) 1890's The West
Save the Last Dance For Me (2002) 1950's Iowa
Ticket to Ride (2009) 1965 Iowa
Wake Up Little Susie (1999) 1958 Iowa
What Dead Men Say 1898 USA
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? (2001) 1959 Iowa
Gortner, Christopher Secret Lion (2004) Tudor England
Tudor Conspiracy (2013) 1553 England
Tudor Secret (2011) 1553 England
Tudor Vendetta (2014) 1558 England
Gosling, Paula Tears of the Dragon (2004) 1931 Chicago
Goss, Theodora European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman (The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club Book 2) Vic England
The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl (The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club Book 3) Vic England
The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter (The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club Book 1) Vic England
Gott, Robert A Thing of Blood (2007) 1940's Austrialia
The Autumn Murders (The Murders series Book 3) 1943 Australia
The Holiday Murders (The Murders series Book 1) 1943 Australia
The Port Fairy Murders (The Murders series Book 2) 1943 Australia
Goulart, Ron Elementary My Dear Groucho (1999) 1930's USA
Groucho Marx: King of the Jungle (2005) 1930's USA
Groucho Marx: Master Detective (1998) 1930's USA
Groucho Marx: Private Eye (1999) 1930's Los Angeles
Groucho Marx: Secret Agent (2002) 1939 Los Angeles
Groucho Marx and the Broadway Murders 1930's New York
Grace, C.L. See The Kathryn Swinbrooke Series Under Doherty, Paul
Grace, Celina Death at the Theatre: Miss Hart and Miss Hunter Investigate: Book 2  1932 London
The Hidden House Murders Miss Hart and Miss Hunter Investigate: Book 3) 1934 England
Murder at Merisham Lodge: Miss Hart and Miss Hunter Investigate: Book 1  1930's England
Murder in the Mews (Miss Hart and Miss Hunter Book 4) 1935 London
Graham, Mark Black Maria (2000) 1876 Philadelphia
Killing Breed (1998) 1874 Philadelphia
Resurrectionist (1999) 1871 Philadelphia
Grann, David Killers of the Flower Moon (2018) 1920s Oklahoma
Gran, Sara Dope (2006) 1950's New York
Grand, David Disappearing Body (2002) 1932 USA
Granger, Ann A Better Quality of Murder (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 3) 1867 London
The Companion (2007) 1864 London
The Dead Woman of Deptford (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 6) 1800's England
A Mortal Curiosity (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 2) 1864 England
The Murderer's Apprentice (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 7) 1870 London
The Old Rogue of Limehouse (Inspector Ben Ross Mystery 9) 1871 London
A Particular Eye for Villainy (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 4) 1800's England
A Rare Interest In Corpses (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 1) 1864 England
The Testimony of the Hanged Man (The Inspector Ben Ross Mysteries Book 5) 1800's England
The Truth-Seeker's Wife ( Inspector Ben Ross Book 8) 1871 London
Grant, Phillip The Other Mr. Holmes (2002) 1880's London
Grant, Richard Cave Dwellers (2017) 1938 USA
Grant, Tracy The Ackerley Inheritance (Rannoch Fraser Book 28) 1821 London
The Apsley House Incident (Rannoch Fraser Book 24) 1820 London
The Berkeley Square Affair (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 8)  Regency England
Beneath a Silent Moon (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 7)  Regency England
The Carfax Intrigue (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 20) 1820 England
The Darlington Letters (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 16)  Regency England
The Duke's Gambit (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 15) Regency England
Gilded Deceit (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 14)  Regency England
The Glenister Papers (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 17) Regency England
His Spanish Bride (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mystery Book 1)  Regency England
Incident in Berkeley Square (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 9)  Regency England
Imperial Scandal (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 4)  Regency England
London Gambit (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 10)  Regency England
London Interlude (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 2)  Regency England
The Mask of Night (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 13)  Regency England
The Mayfair Affair (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 8)  Regency England
Midwinter Intrigue (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 14) Regency England
A Midwinter’s Masquerade (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 18) 1819 London
Mission for a Queen (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 11) Regency England
The O'Roarke Affair (Rannoch Fraser Book 29) 1821 London
The Paris Affair (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 5)  Regency England
The Paris Plot (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mystery Book 6)  Regency England
Secrets of a Lady (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 12)  Regency England
The Seven Dials Affair (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 27) 1821 London
The Southcott Jewels (Rannoch Fraser Book 30)
The Tavistock Plot (Rannoch Fraser Book 19) 1820 England
Vienna Waltz (Malcolm & Suzanne Rannoch Historical Mysteries Book 3)  Regency England
The Westminster Intrigue (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 23) 1820 England
The Whitehall Conspiracy (The Rannoch Fraser Mysteries Book 25) 1820 London
Graves, Stephanie A Courage Undimmed (An Olive Bright Mystery 3) 1941 England
Olive Bright, Pigeoneer (An Olive Bright Mystery Book 1) 1940's England
A Valiant Deceit (An Olive Bright Mystery Book 2) 1940's England
Gray, Charles E. Murder Defies the Roman Emperor 117-138 a.d. Rome
Gray , Claudia The Late Mrs. Willoughby (Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney Book 2) Regency England
The Murder of Mr. Wickham Regency England
The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney Book 3) Regency England
Gray, Clio Brotherhood of Five (2009) 1808 England
Envoy of the Black Pine (2008) 1808 England
Guardians of the Key (2006) 1805 Italy
Roaring of the Labyrinth (2007) 1800's Italy
Gray, John M. Fiend in Human (2002) 1852 London
Not Quite Dead (2007) 1848 England
White Stone Day (2004) 1850's Oxford
Gray, Julianna Most Extraordinary Pursuit (2016) Vic Greece
Strange Scottish Shore (2017) Vic Scotland
Graysmith, Robert The Bell Tower (1999) 19th Cent San Francisco
Grayson, Emily Night Train to Lisbon (2004) 1936 Europe
Grayson, Richard Crime Without Passion (1983) 1900's Paris
Death Au Grautin (1995) 1900's Paris
Death en Voyage (1986) 1900's Paris
Death In The Skies (1998) 1900's Paris
Death of Abbe Didier (1981) 1900's Paris
Death Off Stage (1991) 1900's Paris
Death on the Cards (1988) 1900's Paris
Let Slip The Dogs of War (2002) 1900's Paris
Monterant Affair (1980) 1900's Paris
Montmarte Murders (1982) 1900's Paris
Murders at Impasse Louvain (1978) 1900's Paris
Greaves, C. Joseph Hard Twisted (2013) 1934 OK/TX
Grecian, Alex The Black Country (Scotland Yard's Murder Squad Book 2) 1889 London
The Devil's Workshop (Scotland Yard's Murder Squad Book 3) 1890 London
The Harvest Man (Scotland Yard's Murder Squad Book 4) 1890 London
Lost and Gone Forever (Scotland Yard's Murder Squad Book 5) 1890 London
The Yard (2012) 1889 London
Greeley, Andrew Summer at the Lake (1997) 1948/1978 Chicago
Greenberg, Mark Mr. President, Private Eye (2004) Various USA
Murder Most Confederate (2000) 1860's USA
Murder Most Medieval (2000) Medieval Various
Green, George Hawk (2005) 34 ad Rome
Greenwood, Kerry Away with the Fairies (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 11) 20's Austrialia
Blood and Circuses (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 6) 20's Austrialia
Bound By Mystery (2107) 20's Melbourne
The Castlemaine Murders (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 13) 20's Melbourne
Cocaine Blues (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 1) 1918 Paris
Dead Man's Chest (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 18) 20's Austrialia
Death at Victoria Dock (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 4) 20's Austrialia
Death Before Wicket (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 10) 20's Austrialia
Death by Misadventure a/k/a Cocaine Blues (1989) 20's Austrialia
Death by Water (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 15) 20's Austrialia
Death in Daylesford (Phryne Fisher Mysteries Book 21) 1929
Flying Too High (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 2) 20's Austrialia
The Green Mill Murder (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 5) 20's Austrialia
The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions (Phryne Fisher short stories collection)
Murder and Mendelssohn (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 20) 1928 Austrialia
Murder in Montparnasse (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 12) 20's Austrialia
Murder in the Dark (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 16) 1928 Austrialia
Murder in Williamstown (Phryne Fisher Mysteries Book 22) 1929 Australia
Murder on a Midsummer Night (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 17) 1929 Austrialia
Murder on the Ballarat Train (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 3) 20's Austrialia
Raisins and Almonds (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 9) 20's Austrialia
Ruddy Gore (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 7) 20's Austrialia
Queen of the Flowers (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 14) 20's Austrialia
Question of Death (2008) 20's Austrialia
Unnatural Habits (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 19) 1929 London
Urn Burial (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Book 8) 20's Austrialia
Murder in Williamstown (Phryne Fisher Book 22)
Greer, Robert O. Devil's Hat Band (1996) 1950's Denver
Devil's Necklace (1997) 1950's Denver
Devil's Red Nickel (1997) 1950's Denver
First of State (2011) 1970's Denver
Fourth Perspective (2008) 1890's Colorado
Gregorio, Michael Critique of Criminal Reason (2006) 1793 Germany
Days of Atonement (2008) 1790's Germany
Unholy Awakening (2010) 1808 Germany
A Visible Darkness (2009) 1808 Germany
Gregory, Philippa Queen's Fool (2004) 1500's Cambridge
Gregory, Susanna Blessop's Wife (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 1)
Blood On The Strand (Thomas Chaloner Book 2) 1663 London
The Body In The Thames (Thomas Chaloner series 6)  1664 London
A Bone Of Contention (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 3) 1352 Cambridge
The Butcher Of Smithfield (Thomas Chaloner series 3) 1663 London
The Chancellor's Secret (Chronicles of Matthew Bartholomew Book 25) 1360 Cambridge
The Cheapside Corpse (Thomas Chaloner series Book 10)  1665 London
The Chelsea Strangler (Thomas Chaloner series 11) 1665 London
The Clerkenwell Affair (Thomas Chaloner Book 14) 1666 London
A Conspiracy Of Violence (Thomas Chaloner Book 1) 1600's London
A Deadly Brew (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 4) 1353
Death in St James's Park (Thomas Chaloner series 8) 1664 London
Death of a Scholar (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 20) 1358 Cambridge
The Devil's Disciples (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 14) 1354 Cambridge
The Executioner of St Paul's (Thomas Chaloner Book 12) 1665 London
First Murder (2012) 1300's Cambridge
A Grave Concern (Matthew Bartholomew Book 22) 1360 Cambridge
The Habit of Murder (Matthew Bartholomew Book 23) 1360 Suffolk
The Hand Of Justice (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 10) 1355 Cambridge
Intrigue in Covent Garden Thomas Chaloner Book 13) 1666 London
A Killer In Winter (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 9) 1354 Cambridge
The Killer Of Pilgrims (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 16) 1300's Cambridge
The Lost Abbot (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 19) 1358 Cambridge
The Mark Of A Murderer (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 11) 1355 Cambridge
A Masterly Murder (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 6) 1353 Cambridge
Murder By The Book (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 18) 1358 Cambridge
Murder on High Holborn (Thomas Chaloner series Book 9)  1665 London
A Murder On London Bridge (Thomas Chaloner Book 5) 1664 London
Mystery In The Minster (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 17) 1358 Cambridge
An Order For Death (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 7) 1354 Cambridge
The Piccadilly Plot (Thomas Chaloner series 7)  1664 London
A Plague On Both Your Houses (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 1) 1348 Cambridge
A Poisonous Plot (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 21) 1358 Cambridge
The Pudding Lane Plot (Thomas Chaloner Book 15) 1600's London
The Sanctuary Murders (Matthew Bartholomew Book 24) 1360 Cambridge
A Summer Of Discontent (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 8) 1354 Ely
The Tarnished Chalice (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 12) 1356 England
To Kill Or Cure (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 13)  1354 Cambridge
An Unholy Alliance (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 2) 1348 Cambridge
A Vein Of Deceit (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 15) 1300's Cambridge
The Westminster Poisoner (Thomas Chaloner Book 4) 1600's London
A Wicked Deed (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 5) 1353 Cambridge
Grey, Patricia Balaclava Row (1995) 40's London
Good Hope Station (1998) 1940 London
Junction Cut (1994) 40's London
Griffin, Kate Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders (2013) 1880 London
Griffin, Nicholas Dizzy City (2007) 1916 New York
House of Sight and Shadow (2000) 1700's London
Masquerade (2002) 1714 Italy
Griffiths, Elly Blood Card (2016) 1951 England
Smoke & Mirrors (2017) 1952 England
Vanishing Box (2017) 1953 Brighton
Zig Zag Girl (2015) 1950 England
Grimes, Martha Belle Ruin (2005) 1950's USA
Cold Flat Junction (2004) 1950's USA
Hotel Paradise (2003) 1950's USA
Gross, Andrew See titles listed with James Patterson
One Man (2017) 1940's Germany
The Saboteur (2018) 1943 Europe
Gross, Claudie Scholarium (2004) 1413 Cologne
Grossman, Paul Brotherhood of Fear (2014) 1933 Paris
Children of Wrath (2012) 1929 Berlin
The Sleepwalkers (2010) 1932 Berlin
Guill, Jana Nectar From A Stone (2005) 1350 Wales
Guinn, Matthew The Resurrectionist (2014) 1800's USA
The Scribe (2015) 1881 Atlanta
Gulik, Stanley Mask of Revenge (2005) ? ?
Gulvin, J.M. Long Count (2017) 1967 Texas
Gutteridge, Don Bloody Relations (2013) 1838 Canada
Dubious Allegiance (2013) 1837 Toronto
Solemn Vows (2003) 1836 Canada
Turncoat (2003) 1835 Canada
Vital Secrets (2013) 1837 Toronto
Hackman, Gene Justice for None (2006) 1929 Illinois
Wake of the Perdido Star (2000) 1805 Cuba
Hagan, Patricia Cry Me a River (2003) 1940's Alabama
Haig, Kathryn Apple Blossom Time (1998) 1918/1940 Egypt
Haines, Carolyn Book of Beloved (2016) 1920's Alabama
Darkling (2013) 1974 Alabama
Fever Moon (2007) 1944 New Iberia
Penumbra (2006) 1950 Mississippi
Summer of the Redeemer (2005) 1963 Mississippi
Touched (2004) 1926 Mississippi
Haines, Kathryn The Girl is Murder (2011) 1942 New York
War Against Miss Winter (2007) 1940's New York
When Winter Returns (2010) 1943 New York
Winter in June (2009) 1943 New York
Winter of Her Discontent (2008) 1940's New York
Haldane, Sean Devil's Making (2015) 1869 Canada
Hall, Daniel Kemp: Passage at Arms (1996) 1347 UK
Kemp: Road to Crecy (1997) 1346 England/France
Hall, John Death of a Collector (2008) 1920's England
Special Commission (1999) Med England
Hall, Oakley Ambrose Bierce & The Ace of Shoots (2005) 1890's San Francisco
Ambrose Bierce & The Death of Kings (2001) 1880's San Francisco
Ambrose Bierce & The One Eyed Jacks (2003) 1891 San Francisco
Ambrose Bierce & The Queen of Spades (1998) 1880's San Francisco
Ambrose Bierce & The Tray of Pearls (2004) 1892 San Francisco
Hall, Pamela Bailie's Wake (2000) 1860's Glasgow
Hall, Patricia Dead Beat (2011) 1960's London
Hall, Richard Murder At San Simeon (1988) 1934 California
Hall, Robert Lee B. Franklin & AC of Christmas Murder (1990) 1757 USA
B. Franklin Takes the Case (1988) 1757 London
Case of Artful Murder (1994) ? London
London Blood (1997) 1760 London
Murder at Drury Lane (1992) ? London
Murder by the Waters (1995) ? London
Hallberg, Garth City on Fire (2015) 1970's New York
Haloche, Laurence Pleasures of the Flesh (2000) 1768 France
Hambly, Barbara Cold Bayou  (Benjamin January #16) 1839 New Orleans
Crimson Angel: A Benjamin January Book 13 1838 New Orleans
Days of the Dead (Benjamin January Book 7) 1835 Mexico
Dead and Buried (Benjamin January Book 9) 1830's New Orleans
Death and Hard Cider (A Benjamin January Mystery Book 19) 1840 New Orleans
Dead Water (Benjamin January Book 8) 1830's New Orleans
Die Upon a Kiss (Benjamin January Book 5) 1835 New Orleans
Drinking Gourd (Benjamin January #14 1839 Tennessee
A Free Man of Color (Benjamin January Book 1) 1833 New Orleans
Fever Season (Benjamin January Book 2) 1833 New Orleans
Good Man Friday (Benjamin January Book 12) 1838 Washington D.C.
Graveyard Dust: A Novel of Suspense (Benjamin January Book 3) 1834 New Orleans
Lady of Perdition  (Benjamin January #17)
Murder in July (Benjamin January #15 1839 New Orleans
The Nubian’s Curse (Benjamin January Book 20) 1840 New Orleans
One Extra Corpse (A Silver Screen historical mystery Book 2) 1924 Los Angeles
Quirinal Hill Affair (1983) 116 a.d. Rome
Ran Away (Benjamin January Book 11) 1830's New Orleans
Saving Susy Sweetchild (A Silver Screen Book 3) 1924 Hollywood
Scandal in Babylon (A Silver Screen historical mystery Book 1) 1924 Los Angeles
Shirt on His Back (Benjamin January Book 10) 1830's Colorado
Sold Down the River (Benjamin January Book 4) 1834 New Orleans
Wet Grave (Benjamin January Book 6) 1835 New Orleans
Hamilton, Barbara A Marked Man (2012) 1773 Boston
The Ninth Daughter (2009) 1773 Boston
Sup With the Devil (2011) 1770's Boston
Hamilton, Denise The Last Embrace (2008) 1949 Los Angeles
Hamilton, Patrick Hanover Square (2006) 1940's London
Hamilton, Sylvian Bone-Peddler (2000) 1209 England
Glee Maiden (2004) 1200's England
Pendragon Banner (2001) 1200's England
Hamilton, Victoria Curse of the Gypsy (Lady Anne Addison Mysteries Book 3) Regency England
A Gentlewoman's Guide to Murder (2019) Regency London
Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl (Lady Anne Addison Book 5) 1800's England
Lady Anne and the Howl in the Dark (Lady Anne Addison Mysteries Book 1) Regency England
Lady Anne and the Menacing Mystic (Lady Anne Addison Book 4) Bath
Revenge of the Barbary Ghost (Lady Anne Addison Mysteries Book 2) Regency England
Some Touch of Madness (A Gentlewoman’s Guide to Murder Book 2)
Hampson, June Broken Bodies (2007) 1960's England
Damaged Goods (2008) 1966 London
Fatal Cut (2009) 1960's London
Jail Bait (2010) 1960's London
Trust Nobody (2008) 1960's London
Hand, Dana Deep Creek (2010) 1887 Idaho
Haney, Lauren Cruel Deceit (2002) BC Egypt
Curse of Silence (2000) BC Egypt
Face Turned Backwards (1999) BC Egypt
Flesh of the God (2002) BC Egypt
Path of Shadows (2003) BC Egypt
Place of Darkness (2001) BC Egypt
Right Hand of Amon (1997) 1464 bc Egypt
Vile Justice (1999) BC Egypt
Hanley, Catherine Bloody City (2013) 1217 York
Sins of the Father (2012) 1217 York
White Suphulcres (2014) 1217 York
Hanna, Edward Whitechapel Horror (1993) 19th UK
Hannah, Sophie Closed Casket (Hercule Poirot Mysteries Book 2) 1931 England
Hercule Poirot's Silent Night: A Novel (The New Hercule Poirot Mystery Book 5) 1931 England
The Killings at Kingfisher Hill (Hercule Poirot Mysteries Book 4) 1931 England
Monogram Murders (2014) 1929 London
The Mystery of Three Quarters (Hercule Poirot Book 3) 1930 London
Hansen, Rom Hitler's Niece (1999) WWII Germany
A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion (2012) 1927 New York
Harding,Georgina The Spy Game (2010) 1961 USA
Harding, Paul See The Brother Athelstan Series Under Doherty, Paul
Hare, Louise Harlem After Midnight (A Canary Club Mystery Book 2) 1936 Harlem
Miss Aldridge Regrets (A Canary Club Mystery Book 1) 1936 London
Hargla, Indrek Apothecary Melchior and the Ghost of Rataskaevu Street (2016) 1419 Estonia
Apothecary Melchior and the Mystery of St. Olafs Church (2015) 1400's Estonia
Harman, Claire Charles Jessold, Considered A Murder (2011) 1923 England
Harmon, Daniel The Chalk Town Train & Other Tales 1890's South Carolina
Harmon/Hedgecock The Case of the Black Tulips (Caster & Fleet Mysteries Book 1) 1890's London
The Case of the Deceased Clerk (Caster & Fleet Mysteries Book 3) 1890's London
The Case of the Masquerade Mob (Caster & Fleet Mysteries Book 4) 1890's London
The Case of the Runaway Client (Caster & Fleet Mysteries Book 2) 1890's London
Harmon, Paula Death In The Last Reel (Dr Margaret Demeray Book 2) 1911 London
Dying To Be Heard (Dr Margaret Demeray Book 4) 1913 London
A Justified Death (Dr Margaret Demeray Book 5) WWI England
Murder Britannica (Book1) 190
Murder Durnovaria (Murder Britannica Book 2) 191
Murder Saturnalia (Murder Britannica Book 3) 192 England
The Treacherous Dead (Dr. Margaret Demeray Book 3) 1912 London
The Wrong Sort To Die: Death is in the air... (Margaret Demeray Book 1) 1910 London
Harper, Bradley A Knife in the Fog (2019) 1888 London
Queen's Gambit (Harkness & Doyle #2 1897 Germany
Harper, Karen Fatal Fashione (2005) 1564 England
Fyre Mirror (2005) 1564 England
Hooded Hawke (2006) 1569 England
Mistress of Mourning (2012) 1501 England
Poyson Garden (1998) 1558 England
Queene's Christmas (2003) 1564 England
Queene's Cure (2002) 1562 England
Thorne Maze (2002) 1564 England
Tidal Poole (2000) 1559 England
Twilight Tower (2001) 1560 England
Harper, Kate Earl, Interrupted (2014) Reg England
Lord Scoundrel Dies (2015) Reg England
Plumb Pudding & Poison (2017) Reg England
That Hathaway Girl (2017) Reg England
Why Kill a Countess? (2013) Reg England
Harper, Tom Blighted Cliffs (2004) 1000's Byzantium
Knights of the Cross (2005) 1098 Antioch
Mosaic of Shadows (2003) 1096 Byzantium
Siege of Heaven (2006) 1098 Antioch
Harris, CS The Deadly Hours (2020) Various Various
What Angles Fear (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 1) 1811 London
What Cannot Be Said (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 19) 1815 London
What Darkness Brings (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 8)  1812 London
What Remains of Heaven: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery, Book 5  1812 London
What the Devil Knows (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 16) 1814 London
When Blood Lies (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 17) 1815 Paris
When Falcons Fall (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 11)  1813 London
When Gods Die (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 2) 1811 London
When Maidens Moun (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 7) 1812 London
Where Serpents Sleep (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 4) 1812 London
Where Shadows Dance (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 6)  1812 London
Where the Dead Lie (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 12)  1813 London
Who Buries the Dead (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 10)  1813 London
Who Cries for the Lost (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 18) 1815 London
Who Slays the Wicked (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 14) 1814
Who Speaks for the Damned (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 15)  1814 London
Who Will Remember (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 20) 1816 England
Why Kill the Innocent (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 13)  1814 London
Why Kings Confess (Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery Book 9)  1813 London
Why Mermaids Sing (Sebastian St. Cyr Book 3) 1811 London
Harris, Christopher Memoirs of a Byzantine Eunuch 800's Byzantium
Harris, Fred Coyote's Revenge (1999) 1935 Oklahoma
Easy Pickin's (2000) 1938 Oklahoma
Harris, Gregory The Arnifour Affair (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 1) Vic England
The Bellingham Bloodbath (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 2) Vic England
The Connicle Curse (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 3) Vic England
The Dalwich Desecration (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 4) Vic England
The Endicott Evil (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 5) Vic England
The Framingham Fiend (A Colin Pendragon Mystery Book 6) Victorian London
Harris, Jana Pearl of Ruby City (1998) 1893 Washington
Harris, Jane The Observations (2006) 1863 Scotland
Harris, Robert Act of Oblivion: A Novel 1660 England
Enigma (1995) 1940's England
An Officer and a Spy (2013) 1895 Paris
Precipice: A Novel 1914 London
Redfalcon (Richard Hannay Returns Book 2) 1942 Malta
The Second Sleep (2019) 1468 England
The Thirty-One Kings (Richard Hannay Returns Book 1) 1940 Paris
Harris, Tessa Anatomist's Apprentice (2012) 1700's London
The Angel Makers (Constance Piper #2 1880's London
Dead Shall Not Rest (2013) 1780's London
Devil's Breath (2014) 1780's London
The Devil's Half Mile (Justy Flanagan #1 1799 London
Lazarus Curse (2014) 1780's London
Secrets in the Stones (2016) 1784 London
Shadows of the Raven (2015) 1780's London
The Sixth Victim (2018) 1888 London
Harrison, Cora Beyond Absolution: A mystery set in 1920s Ireland (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 3) 1920's Ireland
Chain of Evidence (A Burren Mystery Book 9) 1500's Ireland
Condemned to Death (2016) 1517 Ireland
Cross of Vengeance (A Burren Mystery Book 10) 1517 Ireland
The Deadly Weed (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 10) 1920's Ireland
Death of a Novice: A mystery set in 1920s Ireland (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 5) 1920's Ireland
Death of a Prominent Citizen (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 7) 1920's Ireland
Deed of Murder (A Burren Mystery Book 7) 1511 Ireland
Eye of the Law (A Burren Mystery Book 5) 1510 Ireland
Fatal Inheritance, A (A Burren Mystery Book 13) 1500's Ireland
Gruesome Discovery, A: A mystery set in 1920s Ireland (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 4) 1920's Ireland
Laws in Conflict (A Burren Mystery Book 8) 1512 Ireland
Michaelmas Tribute (2008) (US title: Secret and Unlawful Killings) 1509 Ireland
Murder at the Queen's Old Castle (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 6) 1920's Ireland
Murder in the Cathedral (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 9) 1920's Ireland
Murder in an Orchard Cemetery (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 8) 1920's Ireland
Murder in the Mist (A Gaslight Mystery Book 5) 1850's England
My Lady Judge (2007) 1509 Ireland
Season of Darkness (A Gaslight Mystery Book 1) Vic Ireland
Scales of Retribution (A Burren Mystery Book 6) 1510 Ireland
Secret and Unlawful Killings (2008) (UK title: Michaelmas Tribute) 1509 Ireland
Shameful Murder, A: A mystery set in 1920’s Ireland (A Reverend Mother Mystery Book 1) 1923 Ireland
A Shocking Assassination (Reverend Mother Aquinas #2 1924 Cork
Spring of Hope (A Gaslight Mystery Book 4) 1859 London
Sting of Justice (2009) 1509 Ireland
Summer of Secrets (A Gaslight Mystery Book 3) 1856 England
Unjust Judge, An: A Mystery set in 16th century Ireland (A Burren Mystery Book 14) 1519 Ireland
Verdict of the Court: A mystery set in sixteenth-century Ireland (A Burren Mystery Book 11) 1519 Ireland
Winter of Despair (A Gaslight Mystery Book 2) 1853 Ireland
Writ in Stone: A Burren Medieval Mystery 4 (A Burren Mystery) 1509 Ireland
Harrison, Michael Exploits of Chevalier Dupin (1968) 1800's France
Harrison, Ray Akin to Murder (1992) 1890's England
Counterfeit of Murder (1986) 1890's England
Death of a Dancing Lady (1985) 1890's Eng/Texas
Death of an Honorable Member (1984) 1890's England
Death Watch (1985) 1890's England
Draught of Death (1998) 1890's England
Facets of Murder (1997) 1890's England
Hallmark Of Murder (1995) 1890's England
Harvest of Death (1988) 1890's England
Murder By Design (1996) 1890's England
Murder in Petticoat Square (1993) 1890's England
Patently Murder (1991) 1890's England
Season for Death (1987) 1890's England
Sphere of Death (1990) 1890's England
Tincture of Death (1989) 1890's England
Why Kill Arthur Potter? (1983) 1890's England
Hart, Carolyn G. Escape From Paris (1982) 40's France
Letter From Home (2003) 1944 Oklahoma
Hart, Elsa The Cabinets of Barnaby Mayne (2020) 1703 London
Jade Dragon Mountain (2015) 1700's China
White Mirror (2016) 1700's China
Harvey, Caroline Brass Dolphin (2000) WWII Malta
Harvey, John In a True Light (2002) 1950's New York
Harwood, John The Séance (2009) Vic England
Hastings, Anastasia Of Hoaxes and Homicide (Dear Miss Hermione Book 2)
Of Manners and Murder (Dear Miss Hermione Mystery Book 1) 1885 London
Hathaway, L.B. Christmas Case (2017) 1921 London
Marriage is Murder? (The Posie Parker Book 9) 1924 London
Murder and the Mermaid (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 13) 1925 London
Murder and the Scent of Nutmeg ( Posie Parker Book 16) 1926 London
Murder at Maypole Manor (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 3) 1921 London
Murder in a Chelsea Garden (Posie Parker Book 12) 1925 London
Murder in the London Lights (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 10) 1924 London
Murder in Tuscany (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 11) 1925 Italy
Murder in Venice (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 6) 1921 London
Murder of a Movie Star (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 5) 1921 London
Murder Offstage (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 1) 1921 London
Murder on the Night Train to Paris (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 15) 1926
Murder on the White Cliffs (Posie Parker Book 8) 1924 England
Murder through the Mirror ( Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 14) 1925 London
The Saltwater Murder (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 7) 1924 London
The Tomb of the Honey Bee (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 2) 1921 London
The Vanishing of Dr Winter (The Posie Parker Mystery Series Book 4) 1921 London
Hathaway-Nayne, Anne Forever Knight: These Our Revels (1998) 1599 England
Hatten, Patrick Champion of the Dead (2004) 400 b.c. Athens
Hatvary, George Murder of Edgar Alan Poe (1997) Vic USA
Haviland, Diana Death and the Ladies Mile (2006) 1880's ?
Havill, Steve F. Comes a Time for Burning (2011) 1892 Washington
Race for the Dying (2011) 1892 Washington
Hawke, Simon Merchant of Vengeance (2003) 1598 London
Much Ado About Murder (2002) 1600's London
Mystery of Errors (2000) 1586 London
Slaying of the Shrew (2001) 1600's London
Hawkes, Ellen Shadow of the Moth (1983) 1917 London
Hawkswood, Sarah Blood Runs Thicker (Bradecote and Catchpoll Book 8) 1144
Faithful Unto Death: Bradecote and Catchpoll 6 1143 England
Hostage to Fortune: Bradecote and Catchpoll 4 1144 England
Litany of Lies (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 12) 1145 England
Lord Bishop's Clerk (2014) 1143 England
Marked to Die: Bradecote and Catchpoll 3 1143 England
Ordeal by Fire: Bradecote and Catchpoll 2 1143 England
River of Sins: Bradecote and Catchpoll 7 1144 England
Servant of Death (Bradecote and Catchpoll Book 1) 1143 England
A Taste for Killing (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 10) 1145 England
Too Good to Hang (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 11) 1145 England
Vale of Tears: Bradecote and Catchpoll 5 1143 England
Wolf at the Door (Bradecote & Catchpoll, 9) 1144 England
Hay, Ashley Railwayman's Wife (2016) 1940's Australia
Hayden, G. Miki Pacific Empire (1998) 1939-2003 Japan
Hayden, Robert Black Sunrise (1998) 1950's South Africa
Hayder, Mo Devil of Nanking (2006) 1937 China
Hayes, J.M. Grey Pilgrim (2000) 1940 Tuscon, AZ
Spirit and the Skull (2014) AW Pangea
Hayes, John R. Catskill (2001) 1938 New York
Hays, Tony Beloved Dead (2011) 600's Wales
The Divine Sacrifice (2010) 600's Wales
The Killing Way (2009) 600's Wales
Shakespeare No More (2015) 1616 London
Head, Matthew Cabinda Affair (2007) 1940's Africa
Devil in the Bush (2006) 1940's Africa
Healey, Judith Canterbury Papers (2004) 1100's France
Rebel Princess (2009) 1200's France
Hearst, Patricia Murder at San Simeon (1996) 1924 California
Heck, Peter Connecticut Yankee in Criminal Court (1996) 1890's USA
Death on the Mississippi (1995) 1890's USA
Guilty Abroad (1999) 1890's USA
Mysterious Stranger (2000) 1890's Florence
Prince and the Prosecutor (1997) 1890's USA
Tom's Lawyer (2001) 1890's USA
Hedgecock, Liz All At Sea (Maisie Frobisher Mysteries Book 1) 1890's England
Gone To Ground (Maisie Frobisher Mysteries Book 3) 1890's England
In Plain Sight (Maisie Frobisher Book 4) 1890's London
Off The Map (Maisie Frobisher Mysteries Book 2) 1890's Egypt
Hedges, Carol Death & Dominion (The Victorian Detectives Book 3) 1860's London
Diamonds & Dust (The Victorian Detectives Book 1) 1860's London
Fear & Phantoms (The Victorian Detectives Book 6) 1860's London
Honour & Obey (The Victorian Detectives Book 2) 1860's London
Intrigue & Infamy (The Victorian Detectives Book 7) 1860's London
Murder & Mischief (The Victorian Detectives Book 10) England
Pride & Pestilence (The Victorian Detectives Book 11) 1870 London
Rack & Ruin (The Victorian Detectives Book 4) 1860's London
An Unmentionable Murder (Manor House Mystery Book 9) 1864
Wonders & Wickedness (The Victorian Detectives Book 5) 1860's London
Hedwig, Jane The Blunt and the Blue Devils (The Lady Jack Mysteries Book 3) 1887 London
A Father to His Men (The Lady Jack Mysteries Book 5)
A Murder of the First Water (The Lady Jack Mysteries Book 4) 1887 England
Rogue Rage (The Lady Jack Mysteries Book 2) 1887 London
Something in the Heir (The Lady Jack Mysteries Book 1) 1887 London
Heffernan, William Beulah Hill (2001) 1933 Vermont
Time Gone By (2003) 1945 New York
Heller, Keith Man's Illegal Life (1984) 1722 London
Man's Loving Family (1986) 1727 London
Man's Storm (1985) 1703 London
Helms, Richard Wet Debt (2004) 1930's New Orleans
Helprin, Mark In Sunlight and In Shadow (2012) 1950's New York
Hetzer, Michael Forbidden Zone (1998) 1983 Russia
Herman, George Carnival of Saints (1994) Ren Italy
Comedy of Murders (1994) Ren Italy
Tears of the Madonna (1996) Ren Italy
Hennessey, Michael Betrayer (2004) 1941 Charleston
Herriman, Nancy A Fall of Shadows: A Bess Ellyott Mystery Ren England
No Comfort for the Lost (A Mystery of Old San Francisco Book 1) 1860's San Francisco
No Darkness as like Death (A Mystery of Old San Francisco Book 4) 1860's San Francisco
No Justice for the Deceived: ( A Mystery of Old San Francisco #6) 1860's California
No Pity For the Dead (A Mystery of Old San Francisco Book 2) 1860's San Francisco
No Quiet among the Shadows (A Mystery of Old San Francisco Book 3) 1867 San Francisco
No Refuge from the Grave (Mystery of Old San Francisco #5) 1860's San Francisco
No Rest for the Departed (Old San Francisco Book 7) 1860's San Francisco
Herring, Peg Her Highness' First Murder (2010) 1546 London
Hervey, Evelyn Governess (1983) 1870's England
Into the Valley of Death (1986) 1870's England
Man of Gold (1985) 1874 England
Hesse, Monica Girl in the Blue Coat (2017) 1943 Amsterdam
Heywood, Joseph Harder Ground 1900's Michigan
Mountain's of the Misbegotten (2014) 1914 Michigan
Red Jacket (2014) 1914 Michigan
Hickman, Homer The Ambassador's Son (2006) 1943 Solomon Islands
Keeper's Son (2003) 1941 South Carolina
Hickman, Katie Aviary Gate (2008) 1800's Turkey
Pindar Diamond (2010) 1604 Venice
Hicks, Andrea The Brighton Murders ( Camille Divine Book 3) 1922 Brighton
The Christmas Tree Murders (A Camille Divine Mystery Book 1) 1922 London
The Curious Life of Lily Pond (Lily Pond Book 1) 1890 London
THE Dorset street Murderer (The Lily Pond Book 2) 1890 London
THE EDINBURGH MURDERS (Camille Divine Book 10) Scotland
Murder at the Cafe Bonbon (Camille Divine Book 6) 1923 England
MURDER AT THE CHRISTMAS CASINO (Camille DivineBook 13) 1925 London
Muurder at the Christmas Grotto (Camille Divine Book 4) 1920's London
Murder in Cairo (Camille Divine Book 11) 1925 Cairo
MURDER IN CAPRI (Camille Divine Book 12 ) 1925 Capri
Murder in Manhattan (Camille Divine Murder Mysteries - Book 7) 1920's New York
Murder in Paris (Camille Divine Book 5) 1923 Paris
Murder on the Dance Floor (Camille Divine Book 2) 1922 London
The Sicilian Murders (Camille Divine Book 9) 1925 Sicily
The Westminster Murders (Camille Divine Book 8) 1925 London
Hiebert, Michael Dream With Little Angels (2016) 1987 Alabama
Higgins, Jack Day of Judgment (2000) 1960's USA
Eagle Has Landed (1975) 1943 England
Cold Harbor (1993) 1940's England
Eagle Has Flown (1991) 1940's England
Flight of Eagles (1998) 1940's Germany/US
Pay the Devil 1860's Ireland
Wrath of God (2002) 1920's Central America
Highland, Fred Night Falls in Damascus (2006) 1930's Syria
Highsmith, Domini Guardian at the Gate (1996) 1190 Yorkshire
Keeper at the Shrine (1995) 1189 Yorkshire
Master of the Keys (1997) 1191 Yorkshire
Hill, Kathleen Hunter's Dance (2003) 1950's Michigan
Kingdom Where Nobody Dies (2007) 1950's Michigan
Past Imperfect (2002) 1950's Michigan
Witches Cradle (2005) 1950's Michigan
Hill, Suzette Bone Idle (2009) 1950's Surrey
Bones in the Belfry (2008) 1950's Surrey
Little Murder (2014) 1950's Surrey
Load of Old Bones (2007) 1950's Surrey
Venetian Venture (2015) 1954 Venice
Hilton, John B. Dead-Nettle (1977) 1904 UK
Gamekeeper's Gallows (1976) 1877 UK
Mr. Fred (1983) ? UK
Quiet Stranger (1985) ? UK
Rescue From the Rose (1975) 1911 UK
Slickensides (1987) 1911 UK
Hingley, David Birthright (2016) 1664 New York
Hirahara, Naomi Clark and Division (Japantown Mystery Book 1) 1944 Chicago
Evergreen (Japantown Mystery 2 1940's Los Angeles
Hirsch, Paddy The Devil's Half Mile  (Justy Flanagan #1) 1799 New York
Hudson's Kill (Justice Flanagan Book 2) 1803 New York
Hitchcock, Jane Social Crimes (2002) Vic New York
Hitchman, Beatrice Petite Mort (2013) 1913 Paris
Hjorstberg, William Fallen Angel (1978) 1950's New York
Manana (2015) 1968 Mexico
Nevermore (1994) Vic USA
Hoag, Tami Deeper Than The Dead (2011) 1985 California
Down the Darkest Road (2012) 1985 California
Secrets to the Grave (2011) 1985 California
Hobbs, Will Ghost Canoe (1998) 1874 Washington
Hoch, Edward Nothing is Impossible (2014) 1930's New England
Ripper of Storyville (1998) 1881 USA
Hockensmith, Steve The Black Dove (2008) 1893 San Francisco
Black List, White Death: Two Holmes on the Range Novellas
Crack In the Lens (2009) 1893 Texas
The Double-A Western Detective Agency (Holmes on the Range Book 6)
Holmes on the Range (2006) 1893 Dakotas
Hunters of the Dead (Holmes on the Range Mysteries Book 7) 1894 Wyoming
On the Wrong Track (2007) 1893 Dakotas
World's Greatest Sleuth! (Holmes on the Range Book 5) 1893 Chicago
Hodder, Mark See Listings Under Fantasy Steampunk London
Hodgetts, Eileen E. Air Raid (Toby Whitby Book 1) 1952 London
Alibi (Toby Whitby Book 0) 1940 London
Imposter (Toby Whitby Book 2) 1952 London
Nameless (Toby Whitby Book 3)
Hodgson, Antonia Death at Fountains Abbey (2016) 1728 Yorkshire
Devil in the Marshalsea (2014) 1727 London
Last Confessions of Thomas Hawkins (2015) 1728 London
The Silver Collar (2020) 1728 London
Holbert, Bruce Lonesome Animals (2012) 1930's Washington D.C.
Holden, Craig The Jazz Bird (2002) 1927 Cincinnati
Holding, Elizabeth Lady Killer Miasma (2004) 1930's ?
Holland, David Devil in Bellminister (2002) 1830's England
Devil's Acre (2003) 1830's London
Devil's Game (2005) 1830's London
Holland, James Darkest Hour (2009) 1940 England
Hellfire (2011) 1942 France
Holland, Tom Attis (1995) 60-55 b.c. Rome
Bone Hunter (2001) 1890's The West
Lord of the Dead (1995) Reg England
Slave of My Thirst (1997) Vic England
Sleeper in the Sands (1999) BC Egypt
Hollandsworth, Skip Midnight Assassin (2016) 1885 Austin
Holley, Michael Dead Man's Curse (2015) 1890 London
Hollow, Mike The Blitz Detective: The intricate wartime murder mystery 1940 London
The Camden Murder (Blitz Detective Book 7) 1940 London
The Canning Town Murder (Blitz Detective Book 2) 1940 London
The Covent Garden Murder (Blitz Detective Book 8) 1940 London
The Custom House Murder (Blitz Detective Book 3) 1940 London
The Dockland Murder (Blitz Detective, 5) 1940 London
Fifth Column (2016) WWII London
The Pimlico Murder (Blitz Detective Book 6) 1940 London
The Soho Murder (Blitz Detective Book 9) 1940 London
The Stratford Murde (Blitz Detective Book 4) 1940 London
Holm, Tom Osage Rose (2008) 1920 Oklahoma
Holman, Martin Clinch (2016) 1930's Sweden
Holman, Sheri Dress Lodger (1999) 1831 England
Stolen Tongue (1996) 1483 UK
Holmes, Rupert Swing (2005) 1940's USA
Where Truth Lies (2006) 1970's USA
Holsinger, Bruce A Burnable Book (2014) 1385 London
Invention of Fire (2015) 1386 London
Honig, Donald Ghost of Major Pryor (1997) 1873 Montana
Sword of General Englund (1996) ? ?
Hoobler, Dorothy & Thomas Crimes of Paris (2009) 1911 Paris
Hooper, Kay Lady Thief (2006) Regency England
Hoover, Terry Double Dead (2007) 1960's South Carolina
Hopper, Roy Our Man In Washington (2000) 1923 Washington
Watergate Tape (2002) 1973 Washington D.C.
Horan, Ellen 31 Bond Street (2010) 1857 New York
Horowitz, Anthony Moriarty (2014) Vic London
Hosier, Sydney Elementary, Mrs. Hudson (1996) 1898 London
Game's Afoot, Mrs. Hudson (1998) 1898 London
Most Baffling, Mrs. Hudson (1998) 1898 London
Murder, Mrs. Hudson (1997) 1898 London
Houghteling, Sara Pictures at an Exhibition (2009) WWII Paris
House, Gregory & Jocelyn Cardinal's Angel (2011) 1529 England
Comfit of Rogues (2012) 1520's England
Fetter Lane Fleece (2012) 1529 England
Libertie of London (2011) 1520's England
Lords of Misrule (2012) 1520's England
Queen's Oranges (2011) 1530 England
Howard, Jonathan See Listings Under Fantasy Steampunk England
Howard of Warwick The Bayeux Embroidery (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 13)  1060's Kent
Brother Hermitage, the Shorts 1066 England
Brother Hermitage's Christmas Gift (2017) 1066 England
The Case of the Cantankerous Carcass (2017) 1066 England
The Case of the Clerical Cadaver (2016) 1066 England
The Case of the Curious Corpse (2017) 1066 England
The Chester Chasuble (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 14)
Doomsday Book (No Not That One) 1066 England
The Domesday Book II (Still Not That One) (A Tale of 1066-ish 2)  1060's Kent
Garderobe of Death (2013) 1067 England
The Hermes Parchment (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 15)
Hermitage, Wat, and Some Druids (2016) 1066 England
Hermitage, Wat and Some Nuns (2016) 1066 England
Hermitage, Wat, and Some Other Murder (2014) 1066 England
Heretics of De'Ath (2013) 1066 England
The Investigator's Apprentice (Brother Hermitage Book 24)
The Investigator's Kingdom (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 26)
The Investigator's Wedding (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 25)
The King's Investigator (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 19)
The King's Investigator Part II (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 20)
A Mayhem of Murderous Monks (Brother Hermitage Book 21)
Murder Can Be Murder (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 28)
A Murder for Brother Hermitage (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 12)  1060's England
A Murder for Master Wat (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 11) 1060's England
Murder for Mistress Owen (2017) 1066 England
Murder 'Midst Merriment (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 29) Medieval England
Murder Most Murderous (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 23)
A Murder of Convenience (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 22)
No Murder Here (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 31)
Not Another Murder: The Price of Blame. (Brother Hermitage Book 32)
Return To The Dingle (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 27)
Tapestry of Death (2013) 1067 England
The 1066 from Normandy (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 16) 1066 England
The 1066 To Hastings (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 17)
What Dead Body? (Brother Hermitage Book 33)
Howe, Katherine House of Velvet and Glass (2012) 1912 Boston
Hoyt, Richard Vivienne (2001) 1968 Hawaii
Huber, Anna Lee Anatomist's Wife (2012) 1830 Scotland
An Artless Demise (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 7) 1831 England
A Brush with Shadows (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 6) 1831 England
A Certain Darkness: (A Verity Kent Mystery Book #6) 1920 England
The Cold Light of Day A Verity Kent Book 7) 1920 Ireland
As Death Draws Near (2016) 1831 Scotland
A Deceptive Composition (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 12) 1832 England
A Fatal Illusion (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 11) 1832 England
Grave Matter (2014) 1830's Scotland
Mortal Arts (2013) 1830's Scotland
Murder Most Fair (A Verity Kent Mystery Book 5) 1919 England
Penny for Your Secrets (A Verity Kent Mystery Book 3) 1919 England
A Pretty Deceit (Verity Kent Book 4) 1918 England
A Perilous Perspective (Lady Darby Book 10) 1832 Scotland
Pressing Engagement (2017) 1831 Scotland
A Stroke of Malice (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 8) 1832 Scotland
Study in Death 1831 Scotland
A Tarnished Canvas (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 13) 1833 Scotland
This Side of Murder (2017) 1918 England
Treacherous Is the Night (A Verity Kent Mystery Book 2) 1919 England
A Wicked Conceit (A Lady Darby Mystery Book 9) 1832 Edinburgh
Hudson, Jan Hitch in Heaven (1999) Vic The West
Hudson, Robert The Dazzle (2013) 1930's England
Hudson, Roger Death Comes By Amphora (2008) 461 b.c. Athens
Hughes, Andrew Coroner's Daughter (2017) 1816 Dublin
Convictions of John Delahunt (2016) 1841 Dublin
Huie, M.L. Nightshade: A Livy Nash Mystery (LIVY NASH MYSTERY, A Book 2)
Spitfire: A Livy Nash Mystery (LIVY NASH MYSTERY, A Book 1) 1946 London
Humphreys, C.C. Absolute Honor (2006) 1770's United States
Blood Ties (2003) 1530's France
Blooding of Jack Absolute (2005) 1759 United States
French Executioner (2002) 1536 France
Jack Absolute (2004) 1777 United States
Hunt, Andrew City of Saints (2012) 1930's Utah
Desolation Flats (2016) 1906 San Francisco
A Killing in Zion (2015) 1930's Utah
Hunt,  Rosie Murder at a Boarding School (Lady Felicity Quick Book 6) 1922 England
Murder at a Country House (Lady Felicity Quick Mystery Book 2) 1921 England
Murder at a Flower Show (Lady Felicity Quick Book 7) 1922 England
Murder at the Ball: A 1920s Cozy Mystery (Lady Felicity Quick Mystery Book 4) 1922 England
Murder at the Tea Rooms: A 1920s Cozy Mystery (Lady Felicity Quick Mystery Book 3) 1921 England
Murder by the Thames (Lady Felicity Quick Book 8) 1922 England
Murder on the Coast: A 1920s Cozy Mystery (Lady Felicity Quick Mystery Book 5) 1922 England
Murder on the Village Green (Lady Felicity Quick Mystery Book 1) 1921 England
A Traitor in Whitehall (The Parisian Orphan Book 1) 1940 London
Hunter, Evan Lizzie (1984) 1890 Massachusetts
Hunter, Stephen Black Light (1996) 1955/1990 Arkansas
Citadel (2015) WWII Paris
Dirty White Boys (1994) 1955/1990 Arkansas
Havana (2003) 1953 Cuba
Hot Springs (2000) 1946 Arkansas
I, Ripper (2015) 1888 London
Pale Horse Coming (2001) 1951 Arkansas
Point of Impact (1993) 1955/1990 Arkansas
Hyde, Anthony Gathering of Saints (1996) 1940 London
Hyde, Christopher House of Special Purpose (2004) 1941 USA
Second Assassin (2002) 1939 England
Wisdom of the Bones (2003) 1963 Dallas

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Page last updated on 01/01/2025