Ackroyd, Peter Clerkenwell Tales 1399 London
Alexander, Vanessa a.k.a Paul Doherty _ _
Love Knot (2000) 1297 England
Loving Cup (2001) Med England
Allison, E.M.A. Through the Valley of Death (1983) 1379 UK
Armstrong, Tim Cecilia's Vision (2001) 1235 Canterbury
Ash, Maureen The Alehouse Murders (A Templar Knight Mystery Book 1) Med. England
The Bishop's Riddle (Anglo-Norman Mysteries Book 3) 1089 England
The Canterbury Murders (Templar Knight Mystery Book 7) Med. England
A Deadly Penance (Templar Knight Mystery Book 6) Med. England
Death in Dover (Templar Knight Mysteries Book 12) Medieval Dover
Death of a Squire (Templar Knight Mysteries, No. 2) Med. England
Death Riddle (Anglo-Norman Mysteries Book 1) 1088 England
The Harlot's Riddle (Anglo-Norman Mysteries Book 5)
A Holy Vengeance (A Templar Knight Mystery Book 8) Med. England
The King's Riddle (Anglo-Norman Mysteries Book 2) 1089 England
Murder for Christ's Mass (Templar Knight Mystery Book 4) Med. England
A Plague of Poison (Templar Knight Mystery Book 3) Med. England
Quest of Malice (Templar Knight Mysteries Book 10) Med. England
The Sheriff's Riddle (Anglo-Norman Mysteries Book 4) 1089 England
Shroud of Dishonour (Templar Knight Mystery Book 5) Med. England
Sins of Inheritance (Templar Knight Mysteries Book 9) Med. England
Barlow, Andrew The Bear Pit (2009) 1400's Wales
Beaufort, Simon Bishop's Brood (2003) 1070 England
Bloodstained Throne (2010) 1103 Europe
Coiner's Quarrel (2004) 1102 Westminster
Dead Man's Secret (2011) 1103 Wales
Deadly Inheritance (2009) 1102 Wales
Head for Poisoning (1999) 1100 Wales
King's Spies (2004) 1102 Rome
Murder in the Holy City (1998) 1100 Rome
Bayard, Tania In The Presence of Evil (A Christine de Pizan Mystery Book 1) 1393 Paris
In the Shadow of the Enemy (A Christine de Pizan Mystery Book 2) 1393 Paris
Benson, Ann Burning Road (1999) 1358 France
Plague Tales (1997) 1358 England
Thief of Souls (2002) 1440/2000 France/Los Angeles
Berckman, Evelyn Crown Estate (1976) 1214 England
Bland, David Father Martin and the Hermitage Mystery (2005) 1100's England
Boast, Philip Resurrection (1997) 12th UK
Deus (1997)
Buckley, Christopher Relic Master (2015) Med England
Cherne, Barbara Bella Donna (2001) 1494 Italy
Chevalier, Tracy Virgin Blue (1997) 1490/1990 England
Clancy, Gertrude Death is a Pilgrim (1993) 1387 Canterbury
Clare, Alys Ashes of the Elements (2000) 1191 England
Blood of the South (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 6) 1093 England
Chatter of the Maidens (2001) 1100's England
City of Pearl (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 9) 1093
Dark Night Hidden (2003) 1100's England
Devil's Cup (2017) 1216 England
Enchanter's Forest (2007) 1195 England
Faithful Dead (2001) 1192 England
Fortune Like the Moon (1999) 1189 England
Girl in a Red Tunic (2005) 1100's England
Heart of Ice (2006) 1194 England
Joys of My Life (2008) 1199 Chartes
The Lammas Wild (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 10) 1100 England
Land of the Silver Dragon (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 5) 1093 England
Mist over the Water (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 2) 1092 England
Music of the Distant Stars (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 3) 1092 England
Night Wanderer, The (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 7) 1093 England
Out of the Dawn Light (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 1) 1087 England
Paths of the Air (2008) 1196 England
Rose of the World (2011) 1100's England
Rufus Spy, The (An Aelf Fen Medieval Mystery Book 8) 1093 England
Shadowed Evil (2015) 1212 England
Song of the Nightingale (2012) 1211 England
Tavern in the Morning (2000) 1100's England
Way Between the Worlds (An Aelf Fen Mystery Book 4) 1092 England
Whiter Than The Lily (2004) 1100's England
Winter King (2014) 1211 England
Clark, Cassandra The Alchemist of Netley Abbey (Hildegard of Meaux Book 8)  Medieval York
The Butcher of Avignon (Hildegard of Meaux Book 6)  Medieval York
Dark Waters Rising (An Abbess of Meaux mystery, 12) 1394 England
The Day of the Serpent (A Brother Chandler Book 2) 1400 England
The Dragon Of Handale (Hildegard of Meaux Book 5)  Medieval York
Hangman Blind (Abbess Hildegard of Meaux Book 1)  1382 York
The Hour of the Fox (A Brother ChandlerBook 1) 1400 England
The Law of Angels (Abbess Hildegard of Meaux Book 3)  1385 York
Murder at Beaulieu Abbey (An Abbess of Meaux mystery Book 11) 1390 France
Murder at Meaux (Hildegard of Meaux Book 9)  1385 York
Murder at Whitby Abbey (An Abbess of Meaux Mystery Book 10) 1389 York
The Night of the Wolf (A Brother Chandler Mystery Book 3) 1400 Chester
A Parliament of Spies (Abbess Hildegard of Meaux Book 4)  1389 York
The Scandal of the Skulls (Hildegard of Meaux Book 7) Medieval York
Ten Weeks That Changed England Forever ( Prequel HIldegard of Meaux)  Medieval York
The Velvet Turnshoe (Hildegard of Meaux Book 2)  1383 York
Clarke, Anthony Ordeal at Litchfield (1997) 675 England
Cokal, Susann Mirabilis (2001) Med. ?
Colitto, Alfredo Inquisition (2011) 1311 Italy
Comber, Leon Strange Case of Magistrate Pao (1970) 1100 China
Conway, Sara Daughters of Summer (2003) 1221 Hexham
Murder on Good Friday (2001) 1220 Hexham
Cooney, Eleanor Court of the Lion (1989) 8th Cent ad China
Deception (1993) 8th Cent ad China
Cooper, M.E. Key Deceptions (2001) 1489 Italy
Cooper, Paul River of Ink (2016) 1200's Srilanka
Cowan, James Troubadour's Testament (1998) 12th Provence
Crichton, Michael Eaters Of The Dead (1997) 922 Russia
Crowley, Duane Riddle Me a Murder (1986) 1365 UK
Denvil, Barbara Gaskell Blessop's Wife (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 1) 1483 England
The Deception of Consequences (Historical Mysteries Collecton Book 5) 1534 England
The Flame Eater (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 2) 1484 England
Satin Cinnabar (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 3)
Sumerford's Autumn (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 4) 1487 England
The Summer of Discontent (Historical Mysteries Collection Book 6) 1483 England
Devlin, Mary Legend of Good Women (2004) 1382 Canterbury
Murder on the Canterbury Pilgrimage 1382 Canterbury
Doherty, Paul Ancient Evil (Canterbury Series Book 1) 1350 Oxford
The Angel of Death (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 4) 1298 London
Anger of God: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 4 1379 London
The Assassin in the Greenwood (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 7) 1302 Nottingham
Assassin's Riddle: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 7 1380 London
Banners of Hell: (Hugh Corbett Book 24) 1312 England
Bloodstone (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 11) 1380 England
Book of Fires, The (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 14) 1381 London
The Book of Shadows (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 4) 1471 England
By Murder's Bright Light: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 5 1379 London
Candle Flame (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 13) 1381 London
Corpse Candle (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 13) 1303 England
Crown in Darkness (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 2) 1286 Scotland
The Cup of Ghosts (Mathilde of Westminster Trilogy, Book 1) 1322 London
Dark Queen Rising: A medieval mystery series (A Margaret Beaufort Mystery Book 1) 1471 England
Dark Queen Waiting (Margaret Beaufort Book 2) 1471 York
Dark Queen Wary (A Margaret Beaufort Mystery Book 4) 1472 England
Dark Queen Watching (A Margaret Beaufort Mystery, 3) 1471 York
Dark Serpent (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 18) 1312 England
The Darkening Glass (Mathilde of Westminster Trilogy, Book 3) 1312 England
Death of A King 1344 Europe
Death of the Red King (2007) 1100 England
Death's Dark Valley (Hugh Corbett 20) 1311 England
The Demon Archer (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 11) 1303 Oxford
Devil's Domain: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 8 1380 London
The Devil's Hunt (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 10) 1303 Oxford
Devil's Wolf (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 19) 1311 Scotland
The Eye of God (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 2) 1471 England
Fate of Princes (1991) 1483-5 ?
A Feast of Poisons (Kathryn Swinbrooke 7) 1472 England
Field of Blood: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 9 ? London
Godless, The (A Brother Athelstan Mystery Book 19) 1381
Ghostly Murders (1997) (Canterbury Series Book 4) 1389 Kent
The Great Revolt ( Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 16) 1381 England
The Hanging Tree (Brother Athelstan Mystery, 21) 1382 London
Hangman's Hymn (1999) (Canterbury Series Book 5) 1300's ?
Haunt of Murder (2002) (Canterbury Series Book 6) 1381 Essex
Herald of Hell, The (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 15) 1381 London
House of Crows: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 6 1380 London
House of Shadows: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 10 1380 London
House of the Red Slayer: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 2 1377 London
Hymn to Murder (Hugh Corbett # 21) 1312 Dartmoor.
The Magician's Death (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 14) 1303 London
Mansions of Murder A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 18) 1381 London
A Maze of Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 6) 1470's England
The Merchant of Death (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 3) 1471 England
Midnight Man (2012) ( Canterbury Series Book 7) med England
Mother Midnight (Hugh Corbett 22) 1312 England
Murder Most Holy: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 3 1379 London
Murder Most Treasonable (A Brother Athelstan Mystery Book 22) 1382 London
Murder Wears a Cowl (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 6) 1302 London
Murder's Snare (A Brother Athelstan Mystery, 23) 1382 London
The Mysterium (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 17) 1304 London
Nightingale Gallery: A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery 1 1377 London
Nightshade (Hugh Corbett Mystery 16) 1304 London
Peacock's Cry (2016) (Hugh Corbett Book 17.5) 1353 Oxford
Pilgrimage of Murder, A (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 17) 1381 London
Plague Lord (2002) 1200's China
he Poison Maiden (Mathilde of Westminster Trilogy, Book 2) 1308 Westminster
The Prince of Darkness (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 5) 1301 London
Realm of Darkness (Hugh Corbett 23)  1312 England
Rose Blood (2014) 1455 England
Rose Demon (1998) 1452 Europe
Saintly Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 5) 1472 Canterbury
Satan in St Mary's (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 1) 1284 London
Satan's Fire (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 9) 1303 York
The Serpent Amongst the Lilies (Matthew Jankyn, Book 2) 1429 England
A Shrine of Murders (Kathryn Swinbrooke Mysteries, Book 1) 1471 England
The Song of a Dark Angel (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 8) 1302 Norfolk
Spy in Chancery (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 3) 1286 Paris
Straw Men, The (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery Book 12) 1381 London
Stone of Destiny (A Brother Athelstan Mystery, 20) 1381 London
Tapestry of Murders (Canterbury Series Book 2) 1358 London
Templar Magician (2009) 1152 Jerusalem
Tournament of Murders (1996) (Canterbury Series Book 3) 1356 Colchester
The Treason of the Ghosts (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 12) 1300's England
The Waxman Murders (Hugh Corbett Mysteries, Book 15) 1303 England
The Whyte Harte (Matthew Jankyn, Book 1) 1404 England
Domning, Denise Caught Red-Handed: Book 5, Servant of the Crown Mysteries Med England
Lost Innocents (2016) Med England
Season of the Fox (2015) Med England
Season of the Raven (2014) 1194 England
Donald, Angus Warlord (2012) 1194 France
Eco, Umberto Name of the Rose (1980) 1327 Italy
Franklin, Ariana Assassin's Prayer (2010) 1100's England
Death Maze (2008) a/k/a Serpent's Tale 1171 Cambridge
Grave Goods (2009) 1176 Glastonbury
Mistress of the Art of Death (2006) 1171 Cambridge
Murderous Procession (2010) 1176 Glastonbury
Relics of the Dead (a/k/a/ Grave Goods) 1176 Glastonbury
Serpent's Tale (2008) a/k/a Death Maze 1100 Cambridge
Siege Winter (2015) 1141 Cambridge
Franklin, Edward Murders at Crossby (1955) 10th UK
Frazer, Margaret Apostate's Tale (2008) 1450 England
Bishop's Tale (1994) 1434 England
Boy's Tale (1995) 1436 England
Bastard's Tale (2003) 1447 England
Clerk's Tale (2001) 1446 England
Hunter's Tale (2004) 1448 England
Maiden's Tale (1998) 1437 England
Murderer's Tale (1996) 1437 England
Novice's tale (1992) 1431 England
Outlaw's Tale (1994) 1434 England
Play of Dux Moraud (2005) (Jollife) 1434 Oxford
Play of Heresy (2011) (Joliffe) 1400's Oxford
Play of Isaac (2004) (Joliffe) 1434 Oxford
Play of Knaves (2006) 1435 Oxford
Play of Lords (2007) 1435 Oxford
Play of Piety (2010) 1436 Oxford
A Play of Treachery (2009) 1430's Oxford
Prioress' Tale (1997) 1439 England
Reeve's Tale (1999) 1440 England
Sempster's Tale (2006) 1450 England
Servant's Tale (1993) 1434 England
Squire's Tale (2000) 1444 England
Traitor's Tale (2007) 1450 England
Widow's Tale (2004) 1448 England
Freeman, Philip Sacrifice (2015) 500's Ireland
St. Brigid's Bones (2015) 500's Ireland
Gaddes, Andrew Those Who Go By Night (2018) 1324 England
Galland, Nicole Fool's Tale (2005) 1100's France
Revenge of the Rose (2006) 1100's France
Gaspar, Stephen To Know Evil (2009) Med Italy
Geisler, Barbara Graven Images (2005) 1100's England
Other Gods - The Averilan Chronicles (2002) 1100's England
Gellis, Roberta Bone of Contention (2001) 1139 Oxford
Chains of Folly (2006) 1139 England
A Personal Devil (2001) 1139 England
Mortal Bane (1999) 1139 England
Gordon, Alan An Antic Disposition (2004) 1157 Denmark
Death in the Venetian Quarter (2001) 1204 Constantinople
Jester Leaps In (2000) 1200 Italy
Lark's Lament (2007) 1204 Italy
Moneylender of Toulouse (2008) 1204 Italy
Parisian Prodigal (2010) 1205 Italy
Thirteenth Night (1999) 1200 Italy
Widow of Jerusalem (2002) 1191 Tyre
Grace, C.L. See The Kathryn Swinbrooke Series Under Doherty, Paul
Greenberg, Mark Murder Most Medieval (2000) Medieval Various
Gregory, Susanna A Bone Of Contention (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 3) 1352 Cambridge
The Chancellor's Secret (Chronicles of Matthew Bartholomew Book 25) 1360 Cambridge
A Deadly Brew (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 4) 1353
Death of a Scholar (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 20) 1358 Cambridge
The Devil's Disciples (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 14) 1354 Cambridge
First Murder (2012) 1300's Cambridge
A Grave Concern (Matthew Bartholomew Book 22) 1360 Cambridge
The Habit of Murder (Matthew Bartholomew Book 23) 1360 Suffolk
The Hand Of Justice (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 10) 1355 Cambridge
A Killer In Winter (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 9) 1354 Cambridge
The Killer Of Pilgrims (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 16) 1300's Cambridge
The Lost Abbot (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 19) 1358 Cambridge
The Mark Of A Murderer (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 11) 1355 Cambridge
A Masterly Murder (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 6) 1353 Cambridge
Murder By The Book (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 18) 1358 Cambridge
Mystery In The Minster (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 17) 1358 Cambridge
An Order For Death (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 7) 1354 Cambridge
A Plague On Both Your Houses (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 1) 1348 Cambridge
A Poisonous Plot (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 21) 1358 Cambridge
The Sanctuary Murders (Matthew Bartholomew Book 24) 1360 Cambridge
A Summer Of Discontent (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 8) 1354 Ely
To Kill Or Cure (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 13)  1354 Cambridge
The Tarnished Chalice (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 12) 1356 England
An Unholy Alliance (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 2) 1348 Cambridge
A Vein Of Deceit (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 15) 1300's Cambridge
A Wicked Deed (Matthew Bartholomew Series Book 5) 1353 Cambridge
Gross, Claudie Scholarium (2004) 1413 Cologne
Guill, Jana Nectar From A Stone (2005) 1350 Wales
Hall, Daniel Kemp: Passage at Arms (1996) 1347 UK
Kemp: Road to Crecy (1997) 1346 England/France
Hall, John Special Commission (1999) Med England
Hamilton, Sylvian Bone-Pedlar (2000) 1209 England
Glee Maiden (2004) 1200's England
Pendragon Banner (2001) 1200's England
Hanley, Catherine Bloody City (2013) 1217 York
Sins of the Father (2012) 1217 York
White Suphulcres (2014) 1217 York
Harding, Paul See the Brother Athelstan Series Under Doherty, Paul
Hargla, Indrek Apothecary Melchior and the Ghost of Rataskaevu Street (2016) 1419 Estonia
Apothecary Melchior and the Mystery of St. Olafs Church (2015) 1400's Estonia
Harper, Tom Blighted Cliffs (2004) 1000's Byzantium
Knights of the Cross (2005) 1098 Syria
Mosaic of Shadows (2003) 1096 Byzantium
Siege of Heaven (2006) 1098 Antioch
Harris, Christopher Memoirs of a Byzantine Eunuch 800's Byzantium
Harris, Robert The Second Sleep (2019) 1468 England
Hawkswood, Sarah Blood Runs Thicker (Bradecote and Catchpoll Book 8) 1144
Faithful Unto Death: Bradecote and Catchpoll 6 1143 England
Hostage to Fortune: Bradecote and Catchpoll 4 1144 England
Litany of Lies (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 12) 1145 England
Lord Bishop's Clerk (2014) 1143 England
Marked to Die: Bradecote and Catchpoll 3 1143 England
Ordeal by Fire: Bradecote and Catchpoll 2 1143 England
River of Sins: Bradecote and Catchpoll 7 1144 England
Servant of Death (Bradecote and Catchpoll Book 1) 1143 England
A Taste for Killing (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 10) 1145 England
Too Good to Hang (Bradecote & Catchpoll Book 11) 1145 England
Vale of Tears: Bradecote and Catchpoll 5 1143 England
Wolf at the Door (Bradecote & Catchpoll, 9) 1144 England
Healey, Judith Canterbury Papers (2004) 1100's France
Rebel Princess (2009) 1200's France
Highsmith, Domini Guardian at the Gate (1996) 1190 Yorkshire
Keeper at the Shrine (1995) 1189 Yorkshire
Master of the Keys (1997) 1191 Yorkshire
Holman, Sheri Stolen Tongue (1996) 1483 UK
Holsinger, Bruce A Burnable Book (2014) 1385 London
Invention of Fire (2015) 1386 London
Howard of Warwick The Bayeux Embroidery (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 13)  1060's Kent
Brother Hermitage, the Shorts 1066 England
Brother Hermitage's Christmas Gift (2017) 1066 England
The Case of the Cantankerous Carcass (2017) 1066 England
The Case of the Clerical Cadaver (2016) 1066 England
The Case of the Curious Corpse (2017) 1066 England
The Chester Chasuble (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 14)
Doomsday Book (No Not That One) 1066 England
The Domesday Book II (Still Not That One) (A Tale of 1066-ish 2)  1060's Kent
Garderobe of Death (2013) 1067 England
The Hermes Parchment (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 15)
Hermitage, Wat, and Some Druids (2016) 1066 England
Hermitage, Wat and Some Nuns (2016) 1066 England
Hermitage, Wat, and Some Other Murder (2014) 1066 England
Heretics of De'Ath (2013) 1066 England
The Investigator's Apprentice (Brother Hermitage Book 24)
The Investigator's Kingdom (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 26)
The Investigator's Wedding (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 25)
The King's Investigator (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 19)
The King's Investigator Part II (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 20)
A Mayhem of Murderous Monks (Brother Hermitage Book 21)
Murder Can Be Murder (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 28)
A Murder for Brother Hermitage (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 12)  1060's England
A Murder for Master Wat (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 11) 1060's England
Murder for Mistress Owen (2017) 1066 England
Murder 'Midst Merriment (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 29) Medieval England
Murder Most Murderous (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 23)
A Murder of Convenience (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 22)
No Murder Here (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 31)
Not Another Murder: The Price of Blame. (Brother Hermitage Book 32)
Return To The Dingle (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 27)
Tapestry of Death (2013) 1067 England
The 1066 from Normandy (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 16) 1066 England
The 1066 To Hastings (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage Book 17)
What Dead Body? (Brother Hermitage Book 33)
Jones, Howard Waters of Eternity (2012) Aw Byzantium
Jager, Eric Last Duel (2004) 1386 Paris
Jakubowski, Maxim Past Poisons: Ellis Peters Memorial (1998) Med England
Japp, Andrea H. Breath of the Rose (2009) 1304 England
Combat of Shadows (2016) 1304 Normandy
Divine Blood (2009) 1304 Normandy
The Season of the Beast (2008) 1304 England
Jecks, Michael Abbot's Gibbet (1998) 1319 Devon
Belladonna at Belstone (1999) 1321 England
Bishop Must Die (2009) 1326 England
Boy Bishop's Glovemaker (2000) 1321 England
Butcher of St. Peters (2005) 1323 Devon
Chapel of Bones (2004) 1323 Exeter
City of Fiends (2012) 1327 Exeter
Crediton Killings (1997) 1300's England
Death Ship of Darmouth (2006) 1324 Devon
Devil's Acolyte (2002) 1322 Devon
Dispensation of Death (2007) 1325 Devon
Friar's Blood Feud (2005) 1300's Devon
King of Thieves (2008) 1325 France
King's Gold (2011) 1326 Devon
Last Templar (1994) 1316 Devon
Leper's Return (1993) 1320 Devon
Mad Monk of Gidleigh (2002) 1323 Dartmoor
Malice of Unnatural Death (2006) 1324 Dartmoor
Merchant's Partner (1995) 1317 Devon
Moorland Hanging (1996) 1318 Devon
No Law in the Land (2009) 1300's Devon
Oath (2010) 1326 Devon
Outlaws of Ennor (2004) 1323 Devon
Prophecy of Death (2008) 1325 Devon
Squire Throwleigh's Heir (1999) 1321 Devon
Sticklepath Strangler (2001) 1322 Devon
The Templar, The Queen and Her Lover (2007) 1325 Devon
Templar's Acre 2013) 1291 Holy Land
Templar's Penance (2003) 1324 Portugal
Toll of Death (2004) ? Devon
Tournament of Blood (2001) 1322 Devon
Traitor of St. Giles (2000) 1321 Devon
Jensen, Martin King's Hound (2013) 1018 England
A Man's Word (2016) 1018 England
Oath Breaker (2014) 1000's England
Jinks, Catherine Inquisitor (1999) 1318 Spain
Jones, Terry Who Murdered Chaucer? (2005) Med England
Knight, Bernard Awful Secret (2000) 1195 Devon
Crowner Royal (2009) 1196 Devon
Crowner's Crusade (2012) 1192 Devon
Crowner's Quest (1999) 1194 Devon
Grim Reaper (2002) 1195 Exeter
Elixir of Death (2006) 1195 Devon
Fear in the Forest (2003) 1195 Exeter
Figure of Hate (2005) 1195 Exeter
Manor of Death (2008) 1196 Exeter
Noble Outlaw (2007) 1195 Exeter
Plague of Heretics (2010) 1190's Exeter
Poisoned Chalice (1998) 1194 Exeter
Sanctuary Seeker (1998) 1194 Exeter
Tinner's Corpse (2001) 1195 Devon
Witch Hunter (2004) 1195 Exeter
Leoni, Givlio Crusade of Darkness (2011) 1300's Italy
Kingdom of Light (2009) 1300 Florence
Mosaic Crimes (2007) 1300 Florence
Third Haven Conspiracy (2006) 1300 Florence
Lewis, J. G. The Bone Chess Set (Ela of Salisbury Book 5) 1227 Salisbury
Breach of Faith (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 2) 1226 England
Cathedral of Bones (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 1) 1226 England
Cloister of Whispers (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 6) 1227 Salisbury
The d'Albiac Inheritance (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 9) 1231 Salisbury
Forest of Souls (Ela of Salisbury Book 4) 1227 Salisbury
The Lost Child (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 3) 1266 Salisbury
Palace of Thorns (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 7) 1227 Salisbury
A Surfeit of Miracles (Ela of Salisbury Medieval Mysteries Book 8) 1227 Salisbury
Unholy Sanctuary (Ela of Salisbury Book 10) 1232 Salisbury
Lionarons, Joyce Betrayal (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 8) 1252 London
Blood Libel: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 2) 1270's York
Child's Play: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 7) 1270's York
Commoners Round Table (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 5) 1251 London
Corpus Christi Day: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 5) 1270's York
Dark Justice: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 4) 1270's York
Deep Water: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 10) 1270's York
The Eyes of the Dying: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 12) 1270's York
The Glass Man (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 2) 1250 London
The Golden Crucifix: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 1) 1270's York
The King's Ditch: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 6) 1270's York
A Matter of Justice: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 11) 1270's York
The Merchant's Murder (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 6) 1251 London
A Parcel of Rogues (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 1) 1250 London
Pudlicott's Confession: A Novel 1303 England
The Queen's Lady (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 4) 1251 London
A Relic of Saint Cedd: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 8) 1270's York
Sins of the Fathers (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 3) 1250 London
Sufficient Unto the Day: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery Book 13 1270's York
Sweet Death (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 14) 1274 York
Three Score and Ten: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 9) 1270's York
The Wheel (Gavin Rownt Medieval Mysteries Book 7) 1251 London
The White Rose: A Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mystery (Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries Book 3) 1270's York
Lorvic, Michelle Floating Book (2005) 1400's Venice
Maitland, Karen Company of Liars (2009) 1348 England
Owl Killers (2009) 1321 England
Raven's Head (2015) med England
Marston, A.E. The Dragons of Archenfield (Doomsday Series Book 3 1086 Hereford
The Elephants of Norwich (Doomsday Series Book 11 1086 Norwich
The Foxes of Warwick (Doomsday Series Book 9 1086 Warwick
The Hawks of Delamere (Doomsday Series Book 7
The Lions of the North (Doomsday Series Book 4 1086 Yorkshire
The Owls of Gloucester (Doomsday Series Book 10 1000's England
The Ravens of Blackwater (Doomsday Series Book2 1086 Essex
The Serpents of Harbledown (Doomsday Series Book 5 1086 Canterbury
The Stallions of Woodstock (Doomsday Series Book 6 Oxfordshire
The Wildcats of Exeter (Doomsday Series Book 8 ? Exeter
The Wolves of Savernake (Doomsday Series Book 1 1086
Maxwell, Robin To The Tower Born (2005) 1483 London
McDuffie, Susan Faerie Hills (2011) 1373 Scotland
Mass for the Dead (2007) 1373 Scotland
Study of Murder (2014) 1373 Scotland
McIntosh, Pat Counterfiet Madam (2011) 1490's Glasgow
Fourth Crown (2012) 1490's Glasgow
Harper's Quine (2004) 1492 Glasgow
King's Corrodian (2013) 1485 Perth
The Merchant's Mark (2006) 1490's Glasgow
Nicholas Feast (2005) 1492 Glasgow
Pig of Cold Poison (2010) 1490's Glasgow
Rough Collier (2008) 1492 Glasgow
St. Mungo's Robin (2006) 1492 Glasgow
The Stolen Voice (2009) 1490's Glasgow
Medieval Murderers Deadliest Sin (2015) 1348 England
First Murder (2012) 1199 England
False Virgin (2013) 848 Wales
Hill of Bones (2011) Med England
House of Shadows (2007) 1114 England
King Arthur's Bones (2009) 1191 England
Lost Prophecies (2008) Med England
Sacred Stone (2010) 1067 England
The Sword of Shame (2006) Med England
Tainted Relic (2005) Med. Various
Moorcraft, Paul Anchoress of Shere (2001) 1329/1967 England
Moore, Christopher Fool (2010) 1288 King Lear's Kingdom
Moore, Viviane Black Romance (2000) 1146 Chartes
Blue Blood (2000) 1165 Chartes
Darkest Red (2001) 1145 France
Jaune Sable (2002) ? France
White Path (2002) 1146 France
More, Clay Apothecary's Quest (2016) Med England
Morgan, Phillipa Chaucer and the Doctor of Physic 1373 France
Chaucer and the House of Fame (2004) 1370 France
Chaucer and the Legend of Good Women 1373 Florence
Morgan, Terence Master of Bruges (2009) 1482 Bruges
Morson, Ian City of the Dead (2008) (Zuliani) 1264 Crimea
Deadly Injustice (2011) 1268 China
Falconer and the Death of Kings (2011) 1273 Paris
Falconer and the Face of God (1996) 1264 Oxford
Falconer & the Great Beast (1998) 1268 Oxford
Falconer and the Ritual of Death (2009) 1271 Oxford
Falconer's Crusade (1994) 1264 Oxford
Falconer's Judgment (1995) 1263 Oxford
Falconer's Trial (2009) 1272 Oxford
Psalm for Falconer (1997) 1265 Lancaster
Mount, Toni The Colour of Betrayal: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Series Book 4) Med London
The Colour of Bone (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Book 11) 1480 London
The Colour of Cold Blood: The Third Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Series Book 3)  Med London
The Colour of Death: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery ( Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Book 6)  Med London
The Colour of Evil (Sebastian Foxley Book 9) Medieval London
The Colour of Gold: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Short Story (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Series Book 2)  Med London
The Colour of Lies (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Book 7) Med London
The Colour of Murder: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Series Book 5) 1478 London
The Colour of Poison: A Sebastian Foxley Medieval Murder Mystery (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Series Book 1) Med London
The Colour of Rubies (Sebastian Foxley Medieval Mystery Book 10)
The Colour of Shadows (Sebastian Foxley Book 8)
The Colour of Sin (Sebastian Foxley Book 12)
Murgatroyd, Tim Taming Poison Dragons (2013) 1196 China
Nelson, Rebecca Thirteenth Scroll (2001) Med. England
Newman, Sharan Cursed In The Blood (1998) 12th Scotland
Death Comes a Epiphany (1993) 1139 France
Devil's Door (1994) 1140 France
Difficult Saint (1999) 1146 France
Heresy (2002) 1148 France
Outcast Dove (2003) 1140's Spain
Strong as Death (1996) 1142 France
To Wear The White Cloak (2000) 1142 France
Wandering Arm (1995) 1141 France
Witch in the Well (2004) 1149 France
Newmark, Elle The Book of Unholy Mischief (2009) 1498 Venice
Newstead , Susanna M Alysoun: A Savernake Novel (The Savernake Forest Book 3) 1208 England
Belvoir's Promise (Savernake Book 1  1191 England
Black is the Colour of my True Love's Hair (Savernake Book 5 1205 England
Bushes & Briars (Savernake Book 11) 1207 England
Down By the Salley Gardens (Savernake Book 3) 1204 England
I will Give my Love an Apple Savernake Book 4  1204 England
The Lark in the Morning (Savernake Book 9 ) 1207 England
Long Lankyn (Savernake Book 6) 1205 England
One Misty Moisty Morning (Savernake Book 7) 1206 England
A Parcel of Rogues (Savernake Book 10) 1207 England
She Moved Through the Fair (Savernake Novels Book 2) 1204 England
Though I Live Not Where I Love (Savernake Forest Book 12 ) 1207 England
The Unquiet Grave (Savernake Book 8) 1206 England
Worldes Blis (The Savernake Forest Medieval Murder Mysteries Book 14) 1208 England
Wynter Wakeneth (Savernake Forest Book 13) 1208 England
Nicholas, Douglas Something Red (2012) Med. England
Nickson, Chris The Anchoress of Chesterfield (John the Carpenter Mystery Book 4) 1360's Leeds
Crooked Spire (John the Carpenter Mystery Book 1) 1361 Leeds
The Holywell Dead (John the Carpenter Book 3) 1364 Leeds
The Saltergate Psalter (John the Carpenter Book 2) 1361 Leeds
Execution (Giordano Bruno #5) 1586 England
Norman, Samantha Death and the Maiden (Mistress of the Art of Death Book 5) 1191 England
Grave Goods (A Mistress of the Art of Death Book 3) 1176 England
 Murderous Procession (A Mistress of the Art of Death Book 4) 1176 England
The Serpent's Tale (A Mistress of the Art of Death Book 2) 1100's England
O'Connor, Garry Chaucer's Triumph (2007) 1399 England
Parker, I.J. Akitada and the Way of Justice (2011) 1000's Japan
Black Arrow (2006) 1015 Japan
Convict's Sword (2009) 1000's kyoto
Death on an Autumn River (2011) 1000's Japan
Dragon Scroll (2005) 1000's Japan
Fires of the Gods (2011) 1000's Japan
Island of Exiles (2007) 1000's Japan
Masuda Affair (2010) 1000's Japan
Murder at the Imperial University (2002) a/k/a/ Rashomon Gate 1000's kyoto
The Hell Screen (2002) 1000's kyoto
Rashomon Gate (2002) a/k/a Murder at the Imperial University 1000's kyoto
Pasch, Amelia Murder in Mind (2013) 1497 Italy
Penman, Sharon Cruel as the Grave (1998) 1193 England
Devil's Brood (2008) 1193 England
Dragon's Lair (2000) 1193 England
Prince of Darkness (2005) 1193 England
Queen's Man (1996) 1193 England
Time and Chance (2002) 1190's England
Penny, David   Breaker of Bones (Thomas Berrington Book 2) 1483 Spain
A Death of Promise (Thomas Berrington Tudor Mystery Book 2) 1502 London
The Fortunate Dead (Thomas Berrington Book 6) 1486 Spain
The Incubus (Thomas Berrington Book 4) 1485 Spain
The Inquisitor (Thomas Berrington Book 5) 1485 Spain
Men of Bone (Thomas Berrington Tudor Mystery Book 1) 1501 London
The Message of Blood (Thomas Berrington Book 8) 1486 Spain
The Red Hill (Thomas Berrington Book 1) 1483 Spain
The Promise of Pain (Thomas Berrington Book 7) 1486 Spain
The Sin Eater (Thomas Berrington Book 3) 1484 Spain
A Tear for the Dead (Thomas Berrington Book 9) 1480's Spain
Perez-Revente, Arturo Flanders Panel (1990) 1471/1990 Spain
Perry, Anne Sheen on the Silk (2010) 1273 Byzantium
Peters, Ellis Brother Cadfael's Penance (1994) 1138-1154 Shrewsbury
Confession of Brother Haluin (1988) 1142 Shrewsbury
Dead Man's Ransom (1984) 1141 Shrewsbury
Devil's Novice (1983) 1140 Shrewsbury
Excellent Mystery (1984) 1141 Shrewsbury
Heretic's Apprentice (1990) 1100's Shrewsbury
Hermit of Eyton Forest (1987) 1100's Shrewsbury
Holy Thief (1992) 1100's Shrewsbury
Leper of St. Giles (1981) 1139 Shrewsbury
Monk's Hood (1980) 1138 Shrewsbury
Morbid Taste for Bones (1977) 1100's Shrewsbury
One Corpse Too Many (1979) 1138 Shrewsbury
Pilgrim of Hate (1984) 1141 Shrewsbury
Potter's Field (1990) 1143 Shrewsbury
Rare Bendictine (1988) 1100's Shrewsbury
Raven in the Foregate (1986) 1141 Shrewsbury
Rose Rent (1987) 1142 Shrewsbury
St. Peter's Fair (1981) 1139 Shrewsbury
Sanctuary Sparrow (1983) 1140 Shrewsbury
Summer of the Danes (1991) 1100's Shrewsbury
Virgin in the Ice (1982) 1139 Shrewsbury
Potter, Jeremy Disgrace and Favor (1997) Medieval UK
Powell, E.M. Blood of the Fifth Knight Medieval England
The Canterbury Murders (A Stanton and Barling Mystery Book 3) 1177 Canterbury
Fifth Knight Medieval England
The King's Justice (A Stanton and Barling Mystery Book 1)  1176 England
Lord of Ireland Medieval England
The Monastery Murders (A Stanton and Barling Mystery Book 2)  1176 England
Rathbone, Julian Kings of Albion (2000) 1460 England
Renzo, Manetti Secret of San Miniato (2017) 1207 Florence
Riley, Judith In Pursuit of the Green Lion (1990) 1356 France
Vision of Light (1989) 1300's England
Robb, Candace Apothecary Rose (1993) 1363 York
The Bone Jar: An Owen Archer Short Story (The Owen Archer Series)  1371 York
A Choir of Crows (An Owen Archer mystery Book 12) 1374 York
A Conspiracy of Wolves (An Owen Archer mystery Book 11) 1374 York
The Cross-Legged Knight (The Owen Archer Series Book 8)  1371 York
 Cruel Courtship (The Margaret Kerr Series Book 3)  1297 Edinburgh
Fire in the Flint (Margaret Kerr Book 2) 1297 Edinburgh
A Fox in the Fold (An Owen Archer mystery Book 14) 1376 York
A Gift of Sanctuary (The Owen Archer Series Book 6) J 1370 Wales
The Guilt of Innocents (The Owen Archer Series Book 9)  1372 York
The King's Bishop (The Owen Archer Series Book 4)  1367 York
The Lady Chapel (The Owen Archer Series Book 2)  1365 York
A Murdered Peace (Kate Clifford Mysteries Book 3)  1400 York
The Nun's Tale (The Owen Archer Series Book 3)  1365 York
The Riddle of St. Leonard's (The Owen Archer Series Book 5) 1369 York
The Riverwoman's Dragon (An Owen Archer mystery Book 13) 1375 York
The Service of the Dead: A Novel (Kate Clifford Mystery book 1) 1371 York
A Snake in the Barley (An Owen Archer mystery Book 15) 1377 York
A Spy for the Redeemer (The Owen Archer Series Book 7)  1371 Wales/York
A Trust Betrayed (The Margaret Kerr Series Book 1)  1297 Scotland
A Twisted Vengeance ( Kate Clifford Book 2) 1399 York
A Vigil of Spies (The Owen Archer Series Book 10)  1373 York
Roe, Caroline An Antidote for Avarice (1999) 1354 Spain
Consolation for an Exile (2004) 1355 Spain
Cure for a Charlatan (1999) 1353 Spain
Drought For A Dead Man (2003) 1354 France
Potion for a Widow (2001) 1354 Spain
Poultice For a Healer (2003) 1354 Spain
Remedy for Treason (1998) 1353 Spain
Solace for a Sinner (2000) 1350's Spain
Roessner, Michela Stars Dispose (1997) 1520's Florence
Royal, Priscilla Chambers of Death (Medieval Mysteries Book 6)  1273 Norfolk
Covenant with Hell (Medieval Mysteries Book 10)  1277 Wales
Forsaken Soul (Medieval Mysteries Book 5)  1273 Wales
Justice For The Damned (Medieval Mysteries Book 4)  1272 Wales
A Killing Season (Medieval Mysteries Book 8)  1273 Wales
Land of Shadows (Medieval Mysteries Book 12)  1279 Wales
The Proud Sinner (Medieval Mysteries Book 13)  1282 Norfolk
The Sanctity of Hate (Medieval Mysteries Book 9)  1275 Wales
Satan's Lullaby (Medieval Mysteries Book 11)  1278 England
Sorrow Without End (Medieval Mysteries Book 3)  1271 Wales
The Twice-Hanged Man (Medieval Mysteries Book 15)  1282 Wales
Tyrant of the Mind: A Medieval Mystery (Medieval Mysteries Book 2)  1271 Wales
Valley of Dry Bones (Medieval Mysteries Book 7)  1274 England
Wild Justice (Medieval Mysteries Book 14)  1282 Wales
Wine of Violence (Medieval Mysteries Book 1)  1270 England
Sack, John Franciscan Conspiracy (2004) 1200's Italy
Schatzing, Frank Death and the Devil (2007) 1260 Cologne
Sedley, Kate Brothers of Glastonbury (1997) 1476 England
Burgundian's Tale (2005) 1478 England
Christmas Wassail (2013) 1483 Bristol
Dance of Death (2009) 1400's Paris
Death and the Chapman (1991) 1471 England
Eve of St. Hyacinth (1996) 1475 England
Goldsmith's Daughter (2001) 1477 England
Green Man (2008) 1482 England
Holy Innocents (1993) 1475 England
Lamas Feast (2002) 1478 England
Midsummer Crown (2011) 1483 England
Midsummer Rose (2004) 1478 England
Nine Men Dancing (2003) 1478 England
Plymouth Cloak (1993) 1473 England
Prodigal Son (2006) 1480 England
Saint John's Fern (1999) 1477 England
The Three Kings of Cologne (2007) 1481 England
Tintern Treasure (2012) 1483 England
Weaver's Inheritance (1998) 1476 England
Weaver's Tale a/k/a Hanged Man (1994) 1474 England
Wheel of Fate (2010) 1483 England
Wicked Winter (1997) 1476 England
Smith, Anne Easter King's Grace (2009) Med England
Souter, Keith Fool's Folly (2009) 1485 England
Starr, Melvin R. The Abbot's Agreement (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 7)  1368 Oxford
Ashes to Ashes (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 8)  1300's Oxford
A Corpse at St Andrew's Chapel (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 2)  1300's Oxford
Deeds of Darkness (The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Sur Book 10)  1300's Oxford
The Easter Sepulchre (Hugh de Singleton, Book 13) 1375 England
Lucifer's Harvest (The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Sur Book 9)  1300's Oxford
Master Wycliffe's Summons (Hugh de Singleton Book 14) 1375 England
Prince Edward's Warrant (The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Book 11)  1300's Oxford
A Polluted Font (The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon Book 16)
Rest Not in Peace (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 6)  1368 Oxford
Suppression and Suspicion (Hugh de Singleton Book 15)
The Tainted Coin (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 5)  1367 Oxford
A Trail of Ink (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 3)  1365 Oxford
Unhallowed Ground (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 4)  1366 Oxford
The Unquiet Bones (Hugh De Singleton’s Chronicles Book 1)  1300's Oxford
Without a Trace (Hugh de Singleton Book 12) 
Stevermer, C.J. Death of a Borgia 1400's Italy
Duke and the Veil (1981) 1400's Italy
Stuckart, Diane Bolt From the Blue (2010) 1484 Milan
Portrait of a Lady (2009) 1400's Milan
The Queen's Gambit (2008) Med Milan
Swinden, Ann Bookseller's Tale (2016) 1353 Oxford
Swinfen, Ann The Bookseller's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Book 1)  1353 Oxford
The Huntsman's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Book 3)  1353 Oxford
The Merchant's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Book 4) 
The Novice's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Book 2)  1353 Oxford
The Stonemason's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Volume 6) 1354 Oxford
The Troubadour's Tale (Oxford Medieval Mysteries Book 5) 
Sykes, S.D. The Bone Fire (Somershill Manor Book 4) 1361 Kent
Butcher Bird (2015) 1350 Kent
City of Masks (2017) 1351 Kent
The Good Death (Somershill Manor Mystery Book 5) 1370 England
Plague Land (2014) 1350 Kent
Tiraboschi, Roberto Venetia (2015) 1100's Venice
Tomlin, J.R. Templar's Cross (2016) Med London
Winter Kill (2016) Med London
Tomlinson, Theresa Queen of a Distant Hive (Fridgyth the Herb-Wife Book 2) Med England
A Swarming of Bees (Fridgyth The Herb-Wife Book 1) Med England
Towsend, Guy To Prove a Villain (1998) 15th UK
Tremayne, Peter Absolution by Murder (1993) 664 Northumbria
Act of Mercy (1999) 666 Pilgrimage
Atonement of Blood (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 24) 670 Ireland
Badgers Moon (2003) 667 Ireland
Behold a Pale Horse (2011) 664 Geneva
Blood in Eden (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 30) 672 Ireland
Bloodmoon (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 29) 671 Ireland
Chalice of Blood (2010) 670 Ireland
Council of the Cursed (2008) 671 Ireland
Dancing With Demons (2007) 669 Ireland
Death of a Heretic (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 33) 672 Ireland
The Devil's Seal (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 25) 671 Ireland
Dove of Death (2009) 670 Ireland
Ensuing Evil & Others (2005) 600's Ireland
Haunted Abbott (2002) 666 Ireland
Hemlock at Vespers (2000) 600's Ireland
House of Death, The (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 32) 672 Ireland
Leper's Bell (2004) 660's Ireland
Master of Souls (2005) 666 Ireland
Monk Who Vanished (1999) 666 Ireland
Night of the Lightbringer (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 28) 671 Ireland
Our Lady of Darkness (2000) 664 Rome
Penance of the Damned (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 27) 671 Ireland
Prayer for the Damned (2006) 668 Ireland
Prophet of Blood (A Sister Fidelma Book 35) 672 Ireland
Revenge of the Stormbringer (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 34) 672
The Second Death (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 26) 671 Ireland
The Seventh Trumpet (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 23) 670 Ireland
The Shapeshifter's Lair (A Sister Fidelma Mystery Book 31) 672 Ireland
Shroud for the Archbishop (1994) 664 Rome
Smoke in the Wind (2001) 600's Wales
Spider's Web (1997) 666 Ireland
Subtle Serpent (1996) 666 Ireland
Suffer the Little Children (1995) 665 Ireland
Valley of the Shadows (1998)
Whispers of the Dead (2004) 600's Ireland
Trow, M. J. Knight's Tale, The (A Geoffrey Chaucer mystery Book 1) 1380 England
The Yeoman's Tale (A Geoffrey Chaucer mystery Book 2) 1381 England
Unsworth, Barry Morality Play (1995) 1390 UK
Vail, Jason Bad Money (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 6) 1263 Wales
Bag of Bones (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 13) London
Baynard's List (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 2) 1263 Wales
The Bear Wagon (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 7) 1200's England
The Burned Man (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 9) 1200's England
The Corpse at Windsor Bridge (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 10) 1200's England
A Curious Death (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 12) Med England
A Dreadful Penance (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 3) 1262 Wales
The Girl in the Ice (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 4) 1262 Wales
Missing (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 11) Med England
Murder at Broadstowe Manor (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 8) 1200's England
Prince Edward's Ride (Stephen Attebrook Book 16) Med England
The Richest Man in Town (A Stephen Attebrook Mystery Book 14) 1200's England
Saint Milburga's Bones (A Stephen Attebrook mystery Book 5) 1262 Wales
The Wayward Apprentice (A Stephen Attebrook Book 1) 1262 Wales
Van de Wetering, Janwillem Judge Dee Plays His Lute (1998) 7th China
Van Gulik, Robert Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee (1967) 7th China
Chinese Bell Murders (1958) 668 China
Chinese Gold Murders (1959) 663 China
Chinese Lake Murders (1960) 666 China
Chinese Maze Murders (1962) 670 China
Chinese Nail Murders (1961) 676 China
Emperor's Pearl (1963) 668 China
Haunted Monastery (1963) 666 China
Judge Dee at Work (1992) 663-670 China
Lacquer Screen (1964) 663 China
Monkey and the Tiger (1965) 660-670 China
Murder in Canton (1966) 680 China
Necklace and Calabash (1967) 7th China
Phantom of the Temple (1966) 670 China
Poets and Murder (1968) 7th China
Red Pavilion (1964) 677 China
Willow Pattern (1965) 677 China
Vantrease, Brenda The Illuminator (2005) 1300's England
Vargas, Fred Have Mercy On Us All (2005) Med Paris
Vaughn-Hughes, Pip The Fool's Crusade (2010) 1235 England
Relics (2006) 1235 England
Vault of Bones (2007) 1235 England
Walters, Minette Last Hours (2017) 1348 London
Westerson, Jeri Blood Lance (2012) 1383 London
Cup of Blood (2014) 1383 London
Dark Chamber (2016) 1380's London
The Deadliest Sin (A Crispin Guest Mystery, 15) 1399 London
Demon's Parchment (2010) 1383 London
Oswald the Thief: A Medieval Caper 1308 London
Season of Blood (Crispin Guest #9 1390 Gloucestershire
Serpent in the Thorns (2009) 1383 London
Shadow of the Alchemist (2013) 1383 Canterbury
Silence of Stones (2015) 1388 London
Spiteful Bones (A Crispin Guest Mystery Book 14)
Troubled Bones (2011) 1383 Canterbury
Veil of Lies (2008) 1383 London
Wheeler, Stephen Abbot's Passion (2014) 1201 England
Blood Moon (2014) 1214 England
Devil's Acre (2014) 1242 England
Monk's Curse (2015) 1211 England
Unholy Innocence 1199 England
Wilson, Derek Swarm of Heaven (1999) 1400's Rome
Wolf, Joan No Dark Place (1999) Medieval England
Poisoned Serpent (2000) 1140 England
Woodbury, Sarah The Admirable Physician (The Gareth & Gwen Book 16) 1150
Bardd (Welsh Guard Book 5) 1284 Wales
Bard's Daughter (2012) 1100 Wales
Chevalier (The Welsh Guard Mysteries Book 2) 1284
Crouchback (The Welsh Guard Mysteries Book 1) 1284 Wales
The Faithless Fool (The Gareth & Gwen Book 14)  1149
The Fallen Princess (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 4) 1144 Wales
The Favored Son (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 10)  1147 Wales
The Fourth Horseman (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 3) 1144 Wales
The Good Knight (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 1) 1143 Wales
Herald (The Welsh Guard Book 4) 1284 England
The Honorable Traitor (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Book 15) 1150 England
The Irish Bride (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 12) 1148
The Lost Brother (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 6) 1146 Wales
Paladin (The Welsh Guard Mysteries Book 3) 1284 Wales
The Prince's Man (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 13) 1148 Wales
The Renegade Merchant (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 7) 1147 Wales
The Unexpected Ally (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 8) 1147 Wales
The Uninvited Guest (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 2) 1143 Wales
The Unlikely Spy (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 5) 1146 Wales
The Viking Prince (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 11) 1147 Wales
The Worthy Soldier (The Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries Book 9)  1147 Wales
Woodward, Ann Exile Way (1996) 11th Japan
Of Death and Black Rivers (1998)
Worth, Sandra Pale Rose of England (2011) 1497 England
Xiaolong, Qiu Conspiracies of the Enpire (Judge Dee Book 2) 1600's China
The Shadow of the Empire (A Judge Dee Investigation Book 1) 600's China
Yarbro, Chelsea See Listings Under Fantasy 1345 France
Young, Robyn Brethren (2007) Med Europe
Renaissance Mysteries Regency/Georgian Mysteries Victorian Mysteries
La Belle Epoch Mysteries 1920's Mysteries 1930's Mysteries
1940's Mysteries Post War Mysteries Ancient Worlds Mysteries

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Page last updated on 01/01/2025